Chapter 9

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Harry's P.O.V

Like I expected, at 7 on the clock there was a car in front of my house. I had hoped it had all been a dream but apparently not. This morning my mum tried to say bye to me but I ignored her. I felt kinda bad after, after all it wasn't really her fault but I was just too angry to answer when she said bye to me. The car finally pulled up in front of a massive beach house. Wow, Modest really went all for it. There weren't any houses close by so we wouldn't be really bothered and it was pretty close to the beach so I'm happy about that at least. I've always loved walking on the beach or just sitting there, watching the stars and listening to the waves crash on the shore. I look back at the house and notice the door is slightly open so I'm guessing the guys are already here. I sigh and pick up my bags and head inside. I was going to close the door silently, trying to make myself go as unnoticed as possible but some fucking wind pushed it closed right after I got in and slammed it. I freeze and I am pretty sure the whole house did.

I hear footsteps upstairs and I sigh again. I look around and the house looks nice enough. There's a kitchen to my right with a living room with a plasma screen and on my left a dining table. Kitchen looks good at least maybe I could cook to occupy myself sometimes. There's a back door and from what I see here there is a fireplace in the backyard and some stairs that lead directly to the beach. Suddenly I hear someone going down the stairs and I see Louis coming down and he stops at the top when he notices I saw him. We just stand there staring at each other for a couple minutes until I finally have enough and look away. He sighs but doesn't mention it.

"Hey Harry" I nod to tell him I heard him but I don't answer. I don't really feel like talking at all at the moment anyways.

"So uhm you want me to show you your room upstairs?" He asks and he seems kind of nervous, like if it was the first time we met. I shrug and this time look back at him and he motions for me to follow him upstairs. I pick up my bags and follow him up to my room. Passing by each of the boy's room they stare at me as if I'm like the new kid in class but I ignore them. My room is the farthest down the hall and it has a view on the beach which I am gladly okay with. It's pretty big, white walls, my own washroom and theres a small seat beside the window. You know those windows where you can sit beside and just look outside? Yeah I have that. I think I could stay here forever if it wasn't for the fact that I don't really want to be here.

"Alright so I'll leave you to unpacking and uhm yeah we're going to watch a movie downstairs if you want to come?" I don't answer I just shrug again, not really in the mood for a movie and he seems disappointed in my refusal but doesn't push it. He looks back at me once more and heads downstairs followed by the other lads. I hear them talking.

"So you think he's coming for the movie?" I hear Niall

"No probably not" Louis answers back

"Give him time Lou he just got here, maybe we can do a bonfire later and he could join us for that" Liam says

"He wouldn't even talk to me Liam what am I supposed to do?" Lou asks with what seems like desperation in his voice

"You fucking try again that's what you do. We didn't come here for three weeks to just see you give up after five minutes Lou." I hear him sigh but he doesn't answer and I just close my door, I am done listening. I sit on the edge of my bed and debate whether or not I should unpack. Oh why the hell not. I am stuck here anyways for a good three weeks might as well. I open my suitcase and unpack my clothes and put them in the drawers and after a good five minutes I finish unpacking. Why does it take so long to pack but less than five minutes to unpack? Maybe I could take a nap I'm not really hungry anyways right now so might as well. I hop into bed and fall asleep immediately.

It's dark out when I wake up. The stars are out and someone is knocking at my door. I get up and flip my hair to fix it before opening the door. Zayn is standing there in sweats, looking quite relieved that I opened the door. He notices my bed hair and my tired eyes and frowns

"Oh were you sleeping Harry? I'm sorry did I wake you up?" He asks and I just shrug and brush it off like it doesn't matter and he nods.

"Okay well we're going to do a bonfire right now, wanted to know if you'd like to join us... please?" He pleads me with his eyes and I sigh and nod and he smiles. He comes to hug me but I wince away. He looks hurt but shrugs it off fast and heads downstairs real quick. I turn back in my room and change into a pair of sweats also and take my Jack Willis sweater. It's a long sleeves so it's better. Hides the cuts. I don't let myself think about that too much and head downstairs to see all four of them are already sitted in front of the fire. Niall strumming on his guitar, Liam and Zayn quietly humming along and Louis just staring into the fire. They all look up at me when I come in and I just go sit down at the last empty chair. It's quiet for a while until Niall starts playing little things on his guitar. Zayn starts singing then Liam, the four do the chorus and then Louis sings his part, not with much enthusiasm but he tries. It comes to my turn but I don't sing. I haven't sang since that night and I just can't. I don't know if I'll be able to again. The boys look at me expectingly but when they realize I wont sing try another song. Song after song I don't even make a sound and they sigh, disappointed. I just stare into the fire and Liam Zayn and Niall engage into a conversation but Louis doesn't join them.

I can feel he is staring at me but I try not to look his way. Finally I give up and look at him like what do you want and he seems to be observing me, like trying to figure me out. I suddenly feel uncomfortable and wince a bit. I don't want him to realize I am hiding something big from him. He'll probably never let it go if he knew, he might send me to rehab. But then again he doesn't care right? I get up and head for the beach, deciding to walk to clear my head. The boys all look up when I leave but none of them make a move to stop or come with me.

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