Chapter 8

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Louis P.O.V

That was the worst thing I have ever experienced. I knew he wouldn't react well to this intervention-like band meeting but I didn't think it would be this bad. He just seems dead I've never seen him like this. His eyes, they showed nothing anymore. It's like my Hazza that I knew is gone and it's my fault. I completely broke him apart. The car ride back home to London is quiet and I still can't stop the tears from falling. When he saw me cry though it seems for a second that I saw guilt flash in his eyes but it was gone before I knew it. The boys can't seem to snap out of their trance either, all three of them lost in their thoughts. Liam has his head in his hands, Zayn is looking out the window and Niall is just looking at his feet, his expression blank. I see tears on his face too; he can't stop from crying either. Liam finally looks up and breaks the silence.

"I don't think I have ever felt so guilty in my entire life." His voice is roak and shaky.

"Imagine how I feel" I tell him, my eyes still red and puffy from crying.

"Did you see his eyes? They looked so broken, like he'd completely given up on the world" Zayn said the last part quieter like it was only for himself but we all heard it. Liam only nodded and it only made Niall cry harder. Liam went over to hug him but it was too late. I didn't say anything else. I just looked outside the window again, looking at the other cars pass outside. I got dropped off at my flat first and waved back at the boys. I got inside and almost broke down in tears, staring at my dark and empty flat.

It feels so scary without Harry. Knowing that he might never come back either doesn't help. I think again about what Zayn said in the car. "Like he'd completely given up on the world" that sentence just keeps repeating in my head over and over again. I call back to my memory his expression when he saw us, when Harry asked him to sign again and to spend three weeks with us. Zayn was right. It seems as if he has completely given up on everyone; like nothing matters anymore. I can't blame him either. I promise myself that I am going to fix him. Whatever I have to do, I will fix him if it's the last thing I do. I walk upstairs and get myself ready to go to sleep. I walk into my room but decide to start packing first. That might be a better idea. I pack and after half an hour I am done and exhausted.

I get into bed and lay there for about an hour, I can't fall asleep something just doesn't feel right. Oh yeah Harry's not here. I finally decide that I won't be able to fall asleep in my room so I get up, take a pillow and walk downstairs to go on the couch. It's not better but at least I feel less alone. I finally fall into a deep sleep.

I open my eyes the next morning and look at the alarm clock. 6:30 am wow perfect the car is coming to get me in about half an hour so I get up and hop into the shower. I get out and I put on some sweats and a jumper, not really bothering to check how I look. I walk downstairs and eat some cereals real quick. I put my sunglasses on and I am ready at 7 sharp. I hear a honk outside and I grab my suitcase and get in the car. The other lads are already there, looking as exhausted as me and Zayn is already asleep.

"Is Harry going to ride with us?" I ask curiously but Liam shakes his head

"No they're bringing him in another car." I nod and sigh, putting my back against the seat. I take my i-pod out and put the songs on shuffle. Ironically "Fix you" by Coldplay comes on and I close my eyes, imagining Harry's smiling face in my head. I wonder if I'll ever see it again. Before I know it the car stops and someone shakes my shoulder. I must have fallen asleep. We get out of the car and look at the house in front of us. Wow is all I have to say. It is so big with a balcony at like every room and it has perfect view on the beach.

"Is Harry here yet?" I hear Niall behind me asking the chauffeur but he shakes his head so we all just decide to head inside, check out the house.

"This house is beautiful" Liam comments and we all nod in agreement. We head up the stairs and I see the room I want.

"MY ROOM SEE YA" I run to it and the other 3 run around looking for the perfect room that they want also. There are 5 bedrooms, I took the one at the end of the hall and beside me is Zayn then Niall then Liam and the one on the other side of the hall is the empty one which I'm guessing is going to be Harry's. I feel somewhat disappointed that his room won't be close to mine but then again it's not like he had the choice. Suddenly we hear the front door slam and we all freeze.


A/N: ooooh what's gonna happen nextttt. Guess what guys I got 50 fans on Wattpad :D I am happy now. Thank you if you're reading my story MWAH I love you xxx.

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