Chapter 25

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I join the guys on the beach and try to act as casual as possible even though inside I am freaking out. Niall sometimes steals glances my way but I ignore them and try my best not to look his way. We play volley-ball for about two hours until we get bored of it. The teams were me and Zayn against Louis and Niall and Liam was the referee. We won obviously. Louis and Niall we’re just arguing the whole time since Niall is hopelessly horrible at this game but blames Louis anyways and it was quite the entertainment.

“LOUIS, WHY DIDN’T YOU HIT THE BALL?” Niall starts yelling at Louis







Me and Zayn are laughing so hard we clutch our stomachs and even Liam is laughing at the two idiots fighting.

“Alright break it up you two. Victory for Harry and Zayn!” Liam shouts out

“Yes Harry we won!” Zayn and I high five and we start laughing after as I look across the field and notice Louis and Niall both pouting in defeat. Louis looks up at me I wink at him which brings a smile back on his face.

“Hey everyone let’s go surfing!” Louis suggests smiling again and they all nod since all four of them love to surf but I was a bit reluctant. I can’t surf at all.

“Uhhm I think I am going to let you guys go and I’ll you know go tan.” I said and I was walking away before Louis pulls me back by my arm dragging me along with them.

“No not so fast curly, you are coming with us or I will drag you there myself.”

“Louis YOU ARE DRAGGING ME ALREADY”I try getting out of his grip but it is no use

“Oh right well then I guess you have no choice.” He winks at me.

“Louis you know I can’t surf.” I whisper to him

“Don’t worry you are not that bad and the waves are not that big so you’ll be fine.” He smiles and I sigh in defeat. There is no point in arguing with him.

“Alright, ready boys?” Liam asks coming back with the surf boards and we all take one, me more regretfully. They run to the water me following behind and I go until the water reaches my shoulder and I push myself on my board and mostly sit on it, waiting for a wave.

The boys are further to my left and going for waves as I watch Liam attempting to catch some but slips off his board. I smile lightly while the other boys are laughing at him and get I lost in my thoughts as I watch them. What happens later with my talk with Niall? Should I tell him everything? I know Niall he won’t let it go. I will probably end up in tears but what else can I do? Unless I avoid him for the next week so we won’t have to talk. If I always have one of the boys with me he wouldn’t bring it up would he? No he wouldn’t do that to me it’s Niall he is the sweetest guy I know. Then again he did agree on that contract. Maybe that’s why I still don’t feel comfortable enough around all the guys because they were part of it? Maybe that’s it. I sigh because I still don’t know what I am going to do with Niall.

I am pulled out of my thoughts and look around as I notice my board must have moved on its own by the currant of the water because I almost can’t see the beach anymore and the boys are far too. I get a bit worried because I can’t see them anymore. As I feel the sun’s heat leave my back, I look up expecting a cloud to be in the way but turn around faced to a giant wave coming right on me.


I hear Louis calling but I don’t have any time to react and before I can do anything it hits me and I am underwater struggling to breathe. The wave hit me so hard and so fast I didn’t take the time to hold my breath and my lungs are screaming for air. I am sinking deep underwater and kicking to get up to the surface of the water. I am fighting hard, kicking to get up to the surface my body begging for air but the waves keep pushing me back down until a thought crosses my mind for one second, just a single second.

“What’s the point?”

I start to think what is the point of fighting? What is the point of trying to get back up there?  I hesitate and I stop fighting, my lungs exploding, begging for some oxygen. My eyes start to feel heavy and I close them, letting myself sink deeper and deeper down in the dark waters.


Don't hate me :D 

Hope you enjoy this chapter Love you all MWAH xxx.

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