Chapter 6

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Louis P.O.V

We get home from that stupid meeting and the ride in the car was silent. No one wanted to say anything. The lads followed upstairs and I opened my front door to the flat I share with Harry. I go inside, something is different. I look around the kitchen and the living room. Everything is still in place. I look around curiously and the boys are giving me weird looks. Something is different I know it I just can't put my finger on it. Then I realize. The smell in the air, it smells like Harry, like he's been here recently.

"Harry?" I yell out upstairs. No answer

"Louis? I don't think Harry is home..." Zayn tries to tell me.

"He's been here, I can feel it." I answer back and run up the stairs the three lads right behind me. I head up to go check our room. I stop in front of the door and try and steady myself. I take breaths to calm me down and I open the door. I look around but I don't see the curly boy I am looking for. I check the washroom too but he's not there. The lads are standing in the room too, they haven't been really ever been in here. Maybe I just miss him too much so I am hallucinating. I frown. Some of his drawers are half open like someone tried to close them fast but failed.

I check his bedside table and some of his stuff is missing. My eyes go wide. I run back in the bathroom and his tooth brush and some hair products are gone. My eyes start to tear up and I hear myself sob. He was here. He came back to take some of his stuff. He's gone and he was here while I was at that stupid modest meeting. I am so angry I punch the wall to get some of the frustration out.

"He's gone. He was here and now he's gone again." I keep whispering it to myself and I finally break down. I start crying and slide down my back leaning against the wall. I put my head between my knees and I realize I am shaking. I feel someone come and hug me closely, whispering things in my ear to calm me down but I don't even hear half of it. Niall and Zayn are staring at something and seem frozen. Niall is crying also while Zayn has a blank expression.

"Wh-what what is it?" My voice is shaking

They both look back at me with something like guilt in their eyes or maybe it's pity. I am not sure my eyes are too watery to tell. Niall first comes and put something cold in my palm and when I look it's a key. His key. He's not coming back. I close my eyes and Zayn also hands me something but soft. It smells like Harry and feels familiar; I open my eyes to see what it is. I break down in tears even more. I can't stop and I can't seem to breathe. It's the pink blanket we have in doubles. I have the blue one. He never leaves for a long time without it and he left it there. He ripped it apart just like my heart feels like right now. I can't stop crying now and Liam hugs me tighter and I put my face into his chest. I need my Hazza back. I don't know where he is though. Zayn and Niall both sit down and join into the hug and I feel a tad better. At least I know I still have them.

"I'm so sorry Lou. We'll get him back don't worry" I hear Liam whisper to me and I can't get myself to answer, I don't trust my voice right now so I just nod.

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