Chapter 3

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Harry's P.O.V

I've been walking around London for a while now. I don't know how long anymore maybe hours; I lost track of time but it's dark out now. I think I'm lost too but I don't even care right now. I can't believe Louis would do that to me. I thought we were in love and I was stupid enough to fall for it. For everything. All those laughs we shared these past few weeks, all these moments, kisses it was all a lie. I was beyond hurt when I found out; I was angry like I've never been. But now, after a couple hours I'm mostly hurt, disappointed whatever. I guess you can say Louis Tomlinson broke my heart. Yup I had fallen in love and that's what hurts the more. I thought he loved me back, I really did. I think back to myself when I found out he was just playing me.


"Louis!" I'm sitting on the couch and me and Louis are cuddling while drinking some tea and watching a movie.

"What do you want Harry?" He looks down at me

"I'm hungry"

"Do you want to go out for dinner?" I jump out of his arms

"Yes! Can we go to that Italian restaurant down the street?"

He chuckles. "Fine but wait could you go upstairs and get me my phone in our room while I clean up our teas then we can go?"

"Sure" I head up the stairs and into our room. It's pretty messy, there are clothes laid out around he floor everywhere. I look around. Where could his phone be? I see the bedside table and there is nothing on it but I decide to check the drawer, maybe it's in there. I've never looked inside that drawer, Louis usually doesn't really let me but then again I never made a big deal out of it, I thought he probably just has a stash of condoms in there or something. I open it and I see two things; his phone is there so I take it, and a stack of paper folded in half. I've never seen that before. I look behind me and try and listen, making sure Louis is still downstairs as I sit on the bed and open it.

I realize it's a contract with all the fancy writing and I recognize Modest's logo but I can't seem to remember seeing this before. I look at the bottom and notice it has Louis' signature. I frown and read the main points that seem to pop out. At that moment my eyes fill up with tears. It's about me, it's a contract to break my heart. I read it again to make sure I am not imagining anything and look back down at Louis' signature. He signed it. He agreed to this. I look and I also see the other lad's signature on the side to keep it a secret. That's when I realize it had all been a lie. Everything Louis has told me; when he first kissed me, when he said he loved me for the first time he was lying. He's never loved me, he's been doing this for Modest.

The tears won't stop rolling down my cheeks and I bring my hand to my mouth, trying to hold back my sobs, still in shock. My hands are shaking as I take the paper downstairs with me. I arrive in the kitchen and Louis has his back to me, rinsing our cups of teas when he hears me come downstairs.

"So love did you find my-" He turned around while talking and freezes when he sees my face

"Find your what? You're contract cause that I did" I say to him, the tears just won't stop and I feel the anger rising up in me.

"Harry please you have to listen to me" He pleads, bringing his hand forward but I back away

"Listen to you? What to believe any more lies? It was all just a lie, you never loved me and I was stupid enough to believe it! I loved you and you just played with my heart! How could you?" I was basically yelling now but I didn't care. I was done. Done with him, done with everyone.

"Harry please stop yelling.." He had tears in his eyes too but I didn't care.

"No I'm done." I let go of the paper that practically ruined my life and run out of the flat. I could hear Louis call my name but I didn't turn back, I just kept running.


I shake my head, the horrible thoughts just coming back to me. I can't go back. I don't think I will. I remember thankfully our contract with the band ends in a couple weeks so I guess I won't have to sign again. I will never have a regular life anymore but at least I won't be forced to see the people who have completely broken me anymore. I shouldn't think about that right now, luckily I had my wallet with me before since we were supposed to head out for dinner so maybe I can find a small hotel somewhere around. It's pretty dark out but I have absolutely no idea what time it is. I keep walking for a bit and see a small one, seems quiet I don't think anyone will recognize me there. Perfect.

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