Chapter 22

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Harry's P.O.V

"I miss you." Three words I did not expect to come out of Louis' mouth. Out of all the words he could have said to me he says THOSE key words? The words I am basically afraid of well those and the famous "I love you". He misses me he does and he wants me to forgive him, to forget all that happened and to be happy with him. Can I really do that? Is it that easy for some people? If it is lucky them but for me it is not working well. I am scared again. He just said also the sweetest thing to me. What am I supposed to say? I don't know what to answer him.

"L-Lou I-I don't know what to say..." I stutter

"Then don't say anything" What?

"W-wh" Before I could ask what he meant I feel a strong pair of lips on mine. My body freezes realizing its Louis. Oh I have missed the taste of his lips, they taste like home, like everything I have ever wanted and I finally melt into the kiss and kiss him back with all I have. I feel him smirk but he doesn't stop and we fight for dominance before I finally let him win. Suddenly I go stiff. What am I doing? What does this mean? Oh no. The one thing I promised myself, I wouldn't fall for it again, I just failed. I start to panic; I can't do this I am not strong enough. I have to leave I have to stop this before it goes any further. I pull away from the kiss and he looks up at me, confusion written all over his face while mine is pouring with tears and panic. I don't give him time to explain I run.

I do what I always do, I just run. I run through the whole parking lot and I don't stop. I don't stop even when I hear people calling my name or when my vision gets so blurry by my tears I don't stop. But in the end I have to stop running because I can't take it anymore and I fall down on my knees, panting and exhausted. I feel sand and not pavement as I realize I am on the beach. Somehow I always end up back on the beach. I get up and start walking along the water, engulfed by the silence of the night. What am I doing? Why did I run? He is everything I want but for some reason I can't seem to grasps the fact that he wants me too. It's like my mind is blocked and doesn't want to let that possibility be because what happens if it's all a lie again? What happens after yet another heartbreak?

Am I supposed to just move on with my life? Leave the band? I can't even bloody sing anymore. I sigh and shake my head as so many unanswered question swirls in my head, giving me a slight headache.

"Harry!" I hear him. He found me and he ran after me.

"Harry stop please!" I stop and sigh as I turn around and see him breathing hard and sweating, holding his stomach. He was never really much of a runner.

"Harry I've been trying to find you for like an hour now, damn you run fast. Why did you run?"

"I panicked Lou; I don't know what to do." My voice cracks.

"Harry it's really simple. Do you still love me? That's all I need to know. Please." He looks at me with sad and pleading eyes but he doesn't understand.

"It's not that easy Louis. If it was just a matter of if I love you or not I think by now we'd be home together and sleeping in the same bed."

"Then what is it Harry? Why can't it be that simple? Explain it to me."

"Because I am fucking scared Louis! I am scared of getting hurt again, of letting you in, being rejected, telling you all about my problems and then you leaving me alright? That's why it's not so easy. You're so perfect and amazing and you can make anyone smile. Why me? I am far from that yet you don't give up." I am practically yelling and my eyes are getting watery again but I blink the tears away.

"Because I love you Harry Styles! I want to be with you that's why I haven't given up yet!" He seems frustrated and I shake my head. Why? Why do I have to be so in love with him?

"What are you doing to me? Why can't I just stop?" I put my head between my hands and he stands there, confused.

"What are you talking about Harry?" His perfect face sets into a straight line and he is waiting for my answer, blue eyes glowing.


I run up to him and grab him by the collar of his shirt and kiss him hard. I kiss him like never and he puts his hands around my hips. I am dominant on this one and our lips are synced and this kiss is heavy, passionate and full of lust.

The Heartbreaker (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now