Chapter 7

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Harry's P.O.V

When I knock on my front door and my mum opens she has the biggest look of surprise, especially since I'm crying. She opens up her arms and I run to hug her. It feels good to be home.

I have been here for about three days now and I locked myself in my room only going out to go to the bathroom or eat but I've barely eaten. My mum hasn't tried to get me out either, she knows I need time alone and for that I am grateful. I admit I did find some razors still around and I wasn't able to resist the temptation. I feel guilty doing this under my roof but I can't not do it. The lads are still texting me and calling regularly, hoping I'll answer but I don't even bother looking at my phone. I think my mum called them to let them know I was home so at least they'd worry less. I don't want to talk to any of them though; they knew and they were part of the plan. They helped him. Louis. Every time I think of him, his ocean blue eyes and his soft brown hair I start crying again. You'd think I would run out of tears after almost five days of only crying but nope, I am still going strong. I have nightmares too now, every night and I can't sleep. I haven't showered in a couple days and I probably look like shit but I couldn't care less.

"Harry will you please come downstairs for me?" I hear my mum calling and sigh. She's been so supportive and helpful these past few days so I can at least be a bit nice so I head downstairs in the living room. I get in and I realize she is not alone. Sitting on my couch are Paul, Harry from Modest and the 4 boys I thought were my best friends, not even meeting my eyes. Anger rushes to me in a couple seconds. They come into my house after everything but they can't even look at me? I am so angry but I don't show it, instead I just turn to my mum who is sitting with them.

"What is it mum?" She hears the anger in my voice but doesn't comment on it.

"Harry please sit down they would like to have a word with you" I don't move a muscle. "Harry?"

"I am fine standing up." I reply in a harsh tone and she doesn't argue back. Harry finally decides to speak up.

"Harry we would like you to rethink your decision to leave the band."

"There's nothing to rethink. My contract expires in three weeks and I have nothing left worth staying in this band." I spit back. Finally the boys all look up at me but my eyes are hard and dead. I show no emotions anymore, because my soul is broken.

"Harry, be reasonable, think of all your fans out there, who are counting on you, who need you" I flinch a bit when put that way; I adore my fans they're everything to me.

"They wouldn't want me to be miserable just so I can sing some stupid songs" I argue back

"Harry stop it. You don't mean that you love this band and performing on stage." Liam finally speaks up

"You put your heart out to it every day and you love it." Zayn also tries to help Liam's case but I remain cold and distant

"I don't know if you read the contract properly Zayn but I did and I am not sure where my heart is at anymore." That shut him up and Louis finally looks at me, tears coming out from his eyes and I have the urge to go over and comfort him but then I remember the past few days and I don't move from my spot. We just stare at each other for a couple minutes and no one says anything. Paul coughs awkwardly and we all turn our heads back to him.

"Harry we know you wouldn't accept right on the spot, you need more time so we've arranged for you five lads to be sent to an beach house, no contact whatsoever with the outside world. Just all five of you working on that friendship of yours and getting it stronger. Hey maybe write some songs in the process." Did I just hear what I think he said? Me and them four together for three weeks alone? No way.

"What? No way I am not doing this I told you already my decision is final!" I don't want to go, the lads look hurt by what I'm saying but I don't care anymore.

"Harry, please" I turn and see Niall, tears in his eyes and begging for me to come.

"Harry please, don't split this band, we need you don't let this be the end." Louis pleads me and I finally look at him and tears spill down my face.

"This band was over when you signed that contract." He is full on crying now and I almost feel bad, maybe I went too far but I shake my head again and look away from all of them. I look at my mum who hasn't said a word since the beginning of this conversation but she never left.

"Mum" I whisper, hoping for her support but she shakes her head at me.

"Harry Edward Styles, I think you should go." I shake my head again, I can't form words anymore. She approaches me but I don't look at her. "Harry, listen to me" I still don't look her way so she cups my face with her hands, forcing me to look at her. "Harry, you are going to go there and fix everything with these boys, they love you so much and they made a mistake, a big one but they love you and they're trying to fix it." I shake my head at her the protests getting stuck in my throat and I look back at her, pleading me with her eyes. "Please Harry, do it for me I don't ever want to see you like this again." Tears escape my eyes and I give her a weak nod. She sighs and hugs me but I don't hug back.

"Alright perfect so Harry, a car will be waiting for you tomorrow morning around 7, be ready" He gets up and leaves, Paul following behind and the boys seem to hesitate but I don't even acknowledge their presence. The second my mum lets me go I turn back and go upstairs in my room. I slam my door and sit on my bed. I have to start packing. What have I gotten myself into?

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