Chapter 19

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Niall's P.O.V

Liam's plan... it's good I am just not exactly sure if it is going to work. Harry is quite stubborn; if he's made up his mind for something he doesn't change it. But I do believe Harry will sing again, he just needs to find the one thing that makes him happy, that really gives him the passion to keep going. That one thing is Louis. Yeah I know its cliché quoting our own song but in this case it's true. Harry's kryptonite is Louis Tomlinson and that is why he cannot sing again, he's convinced he has lost his rock. Now, all we need to do is to show him he hasn't. We need to show him that Louis still loves him, that they can be together and that Lou's love was real. That is basically Liam's plan. We make sure they spend as much time alone as they can so Louis can show Harry his true feelings.

There has to be more to it then only that, I can see Harry isn't himself anymore. No one really thinks I have noticed and I am not even sure Zayn or Liam have seen it but I have, and I think so did Louis. Something is wrong with Harry and we need to fix it soon. I know I won't be able to and if there is one person who can, it's Louis. Let's just hope Harry let's him in enough for Louis to fix his broken heart. Now, I am hungry and Liam is upstairs, I hope there is some food left in the fridge...

Harry's P.O.V

To laugh with Louis again, as if nothing had ever happened, it felt good. Maybe we could still be friends after this. Not as close as we were before but something like that maybe. He is going to go back to singing with One Direction but what about me? I have no idea where faith is going to bring me. What if I never sing again? I just can't seem to and I am not sure I want to. I also lost faith in everyone else around me. How do you heal from that? I act normal around them, as if I don't care that they were all involved but truth is it bothers me. Maybe I'll tell them one day, I get this sort of feeling of not exactly disgust but maybe disappointment or could it be bitterness? I don't show it much to them but I really am disappointed at the other boys I mean they knew how could they have done this to me, they went along with the plan? It is still unthinkable for me but I try and not to let them know that it bothers me too much.

I am still sitting on the same chair I came to this morning and Louis is inside. I think he went to help Liam with something. He left an hour ago and I am starting to get hungry. Maybe I could cook something for the boys? Just like old times. What is something they all really like for breakfast? I know. I hurry inside and head to the kitchen when I see Niall looking in the fridge in search for food. I chuckle to myself and push him aside playfully and take everything out from the fridge that I need. He looks at me questioningly but then realizes what I am about to do.

"Chocolate chip waffles?" He asks his eyes big and I smile and nod. He jumps in joy and goes to sit on a stool to watch me cook.

"Harry you have no idea how much I have missed your cooking." I smile at him

"I am sure Zayn or Liam did it while I was gone." His eyes go wide

"Liam doesn't do it right and Zayn just plains suck at cooking." Right when he said the last part Zayn enters the kitchen behind Niall and I try really hard not to laugh at his expression

"Niall! You said you loved my cooking!" Zayn slaps Niall at the back of the head and Niall gets up and starts wrestling with him. Now they're both rolling on the floor wrestling and I shake my head and get back to my cooking. At this moment Liam and Louis come downstairs and are examining what is happening at the moment.

"What the hell is going on here? Guys break it up. Niall ouch you hit me. ZAYN!" I laugh at Liam's attempt to break them up and Louis just comes closer to me.

"So what really happened here?" He questions me

"Well basically Niall insulted Zayn's cooking then Zayn slapped him at the back of the head and then all of this happened." I wince at the blow Liam just got in the stomach but roll my eyes and go back to cooking.

"Alright guys break it up!" Louis tries but nothing works so he just comes back to sit beside me while the others are STILL wrestling on the floor.

"Alright I give up on them." Louis sighs and I smirk.

"I know what to do Lou. FOOD IS READY" I yell out and they all three stop and struggle to get up and come sit down while Louis is now the one on the floor dying of laughter. I serve them their food and I hear a bunch of appreciative moans. Must be good then.

"Harry this is great will you marry me?" Zayn says his mouth still full and I snicker. Louis stops, gets up from his stool, slaps Zayn at the back of the head then goes back to sit down like nothing happened. I laugh and from the corner of my eyes I see him smirk.

"So boys, I have an idea of what we could do today." Liam finally speaks up and he looks at me and I just shrug and motion for him to continue.

"I saw a funfair close by, we should go." Immediately Louis, Niall and Zayn cheer in happiness but I stay quiet, thoughtful. A funfair? I guess I haven't been to one in a while. Last time I went to one I was with Louis... I don't know if it is a good idea or not. I could always just lose the boys in the crowd and walk around on my own. Yeah that could work I guess. I come out of my thoughts to see the boys all staring at me expectantly.

"Alright the funfair is it." They all cheer and run upstairs to get ready. Is this really a good idea?

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