Chapter 14

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Harry’s P.O.V

After that nightmare I am actually able to sleep well, no dreams damn this feels so good. My pillow feels weird though… and it’s breathing! Suddenly everything from last night comes back and I remember. Louis coming in my room, hugging me promising me he’ll stay then me falling asleep to the beating of his heart. He kept his promise, he stayed I sort of find it quite hard to believe. I hesitate, should I move? He’s awake I know that he’s playing with my hair. I slowly turn my head to stare at him and he freezes. He seems afraid… of me? Or maybe it’s how I will react? I have been ignoring him all week but that is because I didn’t want to break down in tears like I have been wanting to do every time I look at those bright blue eyes. We stare at each other for a while, neither daring to move or say anything. I know I should be the one breaking the silence but I can’t get myself to do it yet. What if he leaves me again? Just the thought of it brings tears to my eyes but then again I am the one who pushes him away. Am I doing the right thing?

Maybe I should try and let him in again but it seems like the impossible thing to do. I am so scared of being hurt again, what if I make the wrong decision again? All these thoughts and questions spinning in my head and I don’t realize I am about to cry. I try and blink fast so no tears will fall but it’s no use and one falls on my cheek. Louis takes his finger and wipes it away, smiling lightly at me. I finally find my voice.

“You didn’t leave me.” I eventually manage to say and his eyes are still on mine, he seems in deep thought.

“I promise you I will never leave you.” He says his voice full of certainty and I shuffle uncomfortably.

“Promises are meant to be broken Lou...” I remind him once more

“Why do you always say that Haz?” Remembering I’ve told him the exact words on the beach seven days ago.

“I don’t know… I just… you can’t promise something you don’t know.” I look down and he takes my chin to bring my eyes up so I can look at him.

“I know this.” He tells me without blinking and I know he means it, but that doesn’t mean he can know what is going to happen.

“You also promised you’d never hurt me Lou… what happened to that huh?” I answer back and I see the memories flash in his eyes.


“Lou where are you bringing me and why am I blindfolded?” I laugh as he takes my hand and guides me to God knows where.

“Because it’s a surprise Haz so hush and no peeking!” I giggle like a little schoolgirl in love but try to make it as quiet as I can but I know he heard me. Even under my blindfold I feel him smirk but he doesn’t comment and I roll my eyes.

“Did you roll your eyes at me Harry Styles?”

“Louis, I am blindfolded how the fuck would you know that?” We stop suddenly from walking and he comes close to my ear and whispers to me.

“I just know you” I shiver at the sound of his voice and his hot breath on my neck.

“Louis are we almost there?” I whine

“Patience Harold, almost there” I pout but let him lead me. His hand feels warm in mine and I am getting curious as to where he’s bringing me.

“Alright we’re here; you can take off your blindfold!” Finally! I take it off and I am awe struck to what is in front of me. Under a big oak tree in a clearing there is a blanket laid out and a picnic basket. He brought me to a picnic! I look at him and smile brightly and he offers me his hand again and I take it. We go and sit down on the blanket and we eat and talk and laugh. This is just perfect really; no one is even close around so we don’t get bothered.

“Lou this is amazing, how did you even find this place?”

“My cousin actually talked to me about it” He smiles like he’s proud of it and I shyly smile back, the butterflies in my stomach appearing again. I get nervous suddenly.

“Lou… what is this today… like why did you bring me here?” I ask him and he seems to hear the nervousness in my voice.

“Like is this a date? Is that what you’re asking me?” I nod shyly and feel myself blushing. He smiles softly at me.

“Well Harry yes I think this is a date. Our first date.” He winks at me and I feel like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. He admitted it, he said this was a date I cannot be happier right now. I look back up at him and his face has gone all serious now. One minute he’s all happy and flirty and the next he’s looking at me with a serious look.

“Haz? You know you’re my best friend right?” I nod, not too sure where this is going.

“You know I would never do anything to hurt you right? Never intentionally.” He continues, his blue eyes never leaving mine.

“Yeah I know that Lou, are you alright?” I ask him getting worried. He seems nervous right now.

“Harry I… I love you. I’m in love with you” He says and I stare at him in shock. My heart just did a little flip in my chest and I am not sure if I heard him right. He’s waiting for my reaction but I am frozen.

“You-you love me?” I croak and he nods. “Lou I- I love you too. I do I love you Louis Tomlinson” I say the second part with more confidence, my voice louder and he smiles brightly at me. I lunge into his arms to hug him and he hugs me back. He kisses my hair and I stay lied down on his chest for a while. Might be minutes or even hours I do not know. Louis loves me back. He does he really does and It seems too good to be true. 

“Haz?” He asks and I look up at him

“I promise you, I will never hurt you. Never.” For a second I get scared and I feel like he knows about my depression and my wrist but then I realize he couldn’t, I relax back against him.

“Thank you Lou.” I whisper and he hugs me tighter.


“You know I meant it that day in the clearing, I meant every word of it.” He’s crying too now and I look at him and see recognition flash in his eyes as he remembers that first day in the clearing when he told me he loved me.

“That contract proves me the exact opposite Louis” I say shaking my head and he comes closer to me and I wince a bit from his closeness.

“When are you going to open your ears and listen to me when I say that contract meant nothing to me after a while? I completely forgot about it. I was so happy and in love with you too why don’t you believe me?” He’s on the verge of tears again and now I feel like crying. Actually I take that back I am crying. I choke on some sobs and I can’t answer him I just shake my head and keep crying. I can’t seem to stop and he brings me to him and hugs me. I bury my face on his shoulder and let it all out.

His shirt is going to be all wet but I don’t think he cares right now. Louis is holding me and holding me tight. This is where I belong. So why does it hurt so much?

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