Chapter 20

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The funfair. The smell in the air of cotton candy and kids running around laughing. Well kids not old enough to know who we are but we didn't take any chances, hiding our faces with our sunglasses and wearing beanies. The paparazzis could just not know where we were. It would not end well. The media thinks we are all taking a break with our families for a month. I hope Modest is updating our twitter because the fans must think we're dead. Oh dear I hadn't thought of that. I frown but shrug it off, management isn't that stupid. They're cruel, assholes and have no heart but stupid is not one of their I should say qualities. I look around and smile a bit, remembering the good times I had with Louis at the funfair. I wonder if he remembers. I believe this was our second date? Yeah but our first one as an official couple. My idea this time, I know he loves them.


"Harry is this payback for our first date? Cause I promise I will never blind you again either now that I get how annoying it is." I chuckle as I lead him to the entrance and I take the blindfold off. His eyes go so wide and he has the widest smile on his face.

"Harry! I love funfairs oh my god thank you!" He jumps in my arms to give me a hug and I laugh as I struggle not to drop him.

"C'mon let's go get tickets." I smile at him and lead him to the entrance. I of course pay for both of us and he usually would complain but he is so busy being amazed and looking around everywhere to notice. As soon as I got our tickets I feel his hand take my wrist and drag me around like a little kid.

"Ohh Harry let's go in the haunted house! No, those games right here and oh my there's a Ferris wheel!"

"Louis we can do every one of them if you want. There is no rush." I smile at him to see him decide which one he wants to do first. He finally settles for the games first where you can win a prize and I try one myself. These are pretty easy. I win a teddy bear so I decide to give it to Louis as a reminder of our date.

"Hey Lou, I won this for you" His eyes light up and he thanks me by kissing me on the cheek which results in me blushing.

"C'mon Curly!" Louis takes my hand again as he drags me to another game.


I smile sadly, thinking back of the good times we had together. That day was one of my favorites. I look around to see Louis staring at me, like remembering the same thing that I am. I look away quickly not wanting to meet his eyes and continue to look around, pretending to pay attention to the games around me.

Louis P.O.V

I see him. Right when we get into the funfair his eyes, looking around like searching for something then at one point they just stop and he seems to blank out. Is he having another flashback? I remember when we came here... our second date was it? I believe so. It was the most wonderful day I had ever had. He was so cute when he surprised me by bringing me to one and he let me drag him everywhere all day. He never complained just smiled whenever I was happy or excited about something. He even won me a cute teddy bear that is now still sitting in my room. He finally notices that I am staring at him and he looks away, either embarrassed or awkward. There are fireworks tonight maybe I should try doing something for him...?

"Hey guys how about we separate and we meet back here in a couple hours right before the fireworks?" Liam suggests and we all agree it would be best. I notice Harry wander on his own and I decide against following him. He seems to wanna be alone. I will do something tonight but for now let's not anger him in public. Niall and Zayn head off somewhere else and it's only Liam and I left. I start walking and Liam follows closely behind and attempts to talk to me.

"So Louis, the boys and I have a plan, we need to get Harry to sing again." I nod motioning for him to continue

"We were thinking actually that you seem to be the only one who can get Harry to sing again so we are going to try and leave you alone as much as we can but you need to do something. Provoke him I don't know we don't have much time left here." I snicker at his choice of words

"Provoke him? What do you want me to do punch him in the face? That will provoke him." Liam rolls his eyes at me

"You know what I mean just do something already; he needs to know you still want him. Telling him just like that is not going to do anything he has trust issues now because of us." I sigh but I can only agree with Liam's statement.

"I was thinking of doing something tonight, during the fireworks... so could you guys I don't know leave us alone during them?"

"The fireworks! Perfect, Harry loves fireworks it will be so romantic. Good thinking Lou."

"Yeah yeah yeah just make sure you and the boys are gone. And by the way you are horrible at making plans, please never be a super villain." Liam sticks his tongue at me and I smirk.


Heyyy everyone hope you like thisss :)

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