Chapter 13

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For the next week, the same routine happens every day. I'd come back from the beach early in the morning, spend the day with the guys not really talking and usually leaving around mid after-noon until one of them came to get me for the bonfire, then nightmare and beach again. Louis has tried to get closer to me but I have been sort of avoiding him. Between my two hours of sleep each night because of those nightmares and the urge of cutting I am not sure it would be healthy for me to talk to him again. I only really talk when I am being spoken to. I'm way too tired to really pay attention to their conversations most of the time or even care.

Tonight though there's a thunderstorm and it is pouring outside. In the middle of our bonfire it starts raining a lot so we head inside earlier than usual. I hope the rain will stop by the time I would leave for the beach like I do each night. I fall asleep like usual and for once I am having a good dream. In the beginning it was okay but then it ends up like the other ones but honestly I am not sure if it is the storm outside or my lack of sleep but this dream is worst then all the other ones. I can't seem to get out of it and I feel someone shaking and I finally open my eyes to see a pair of bright blue eyes over me, worried. My throat raw probably from screaming.

"Harry are you alright? You were screaming in your sleep." I am about to tell him I'm fine but no words come out of my mouth, the tears start to stream down my face. They can't seem to stop and my whole body starts shaking. I try and hold back a sob but I can't. Louis tries to hug me but I push him away.

"D-don't t-touch m-m-me "I stutter and he seems hurt but he tries again and this time I don't push him away, instead I melt into his arms. He smells so nice and I hug him back so hard I might crush him but he doesn't complain. I can't stop crying and he doesn't leave, he stays with me until I am done. He brings me to lie down on the bed slowly and my head is on his chest while he is playing with my hair. I feel a bit safer like this, knowing he's here and hearing the beating of his heart.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks softly and I shake my head. A loud boom from the thunder is heard and I sit up quickly, whimpering. There was a storm like this in my nightmare so it scares me right now.

"Shhh Harry come here it's just a storm don't worry you're safe." His soothing words calm me a bit and I slowly let him bring me down; back on his chest. I know this is wrong, I know that I shouldn't let him stay and encourage him but I don't have the will to tell him to leave.

"Try to sleep love; you've been exhausted all week."

"Don't leave me again please." I whisper, my voice breaking

"I am never leaving you again Harry." With those last words I fall into a dreamless sleep and the past week's exhaustion finally catches back to me.

Louis' P.O.V

When I finally feel that he's fallen asleep I relax and I also let sleep bring me. I wake up and the sun is up and I look down and Harry is still asleep on my chest. I smile a bit; I have missed him so much. I bring my hand to his curls and gently play with them, careful not to wake him up. He finally looks so peaceful; I don't want to disturb that. I was so scared last night when I heard him. I couldn't sleep so I was about to go downstairs maybe watch some television when I heard his piercing scream from his room. I ran there and when I saw him, still sleeping curled up in a ball, crying and screaming; my heart completely shattered. I had to wake him up. He seemed so afraid, lost and broken when I woke him. At first he seemed to hesitate for me to touch him but I didn't give up. This time he won't run away and I was right because a second later he was crying, clinging to my shirt and hugging me so hard I couldn't breathe but I did not complain. I missed him too much.

I look back down at him sleeping and sigh. He'll probably regret this when he wakes up and he'll hate me again and go back to ignoring me. We need to talk though. I need him to talk to me. I feel him move under me and I freeze, waiting for his reaction when he remembers that I'm here. He rubs his eyes then frown and looks at me and blinks like finally realizing I am here. I don't move; scared to say or do anything that will trigger him. He doesn't say anything either and we stare at each other for what seems like a couple minutes. I want to break the silence but I'm afraid he's going to yell at me to get out of his room. His eyes suddenly water and he blinks trying to stop the tears from falling but one falls out of his right eye onto his cheek. I take my finger and wipe the tear away, giving him a small smile.

"You didn't leave me." His voice cracks like afraid of what I'll say next and the look he's giving me breaks my heart knowing I am responsible for this.

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