Chapter 11

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Louis’ P.O.V.

After Harry leaves me on the beach, I stay there for a bit, assembling my thoughts on everything that had just happened. He looked so scared when I tried to promise him I did feel the same way, like if he believed me he would be heartbroken again. I need to prove to him that it won’t happen again, that he can trust me. I sigh and look to the horizon and I fear I see a storm coming. I hear thunder and decide to quickly head back in the house before it starts pouring. I head off to bed and close the light on my bedside table and in three seconds I am out.

I open my eyes and I see its morning. I look at my alarm clock and the time is 10:22. Not bad I think it’s time to get up. I get out of bed and look out the window. It’s very cloudy outside and after the thunderstorm we had last night, it will probably rain today again. Well seems like our first day here will be spent watching movies inside. I go downstairs and notice the other boys are all up except Harry.

“Morning Louis” Liam greets me while in the kitchen.

“Hey Liam, hey guys. Where’s Harry?” Niall shrugs

“Probably still in bed, he always sleeps in”

“True. So what’s for breakfast oh dear Liam?” He gives me a weird look but smirks

“Pancakes actually and they’re ready so one of you better go wake Harry up.” Before I can say anything Niall gets up and beats me to it.

“I got it!” He says quickly before running upstairs. I look at him leaving with a frown, wishing I was the one going but it’s not that important, he’s just waking him up so I go and sit on a stool at the counter watching Liam cook.

“You know he won’t talk to us but let’s at least hope he’ll cook. I miss his cooking we all suck at it” Liam admits to me and I must admit he is right.

“Please, I miss his famous tacos those were delicious. Oh and the bacon he always makes it perfectly.” Liam laughs at my statement and we hear Niall comes back downstairs. He has a worried look on his face and doesn’t come to see us right away but heads to the back door. All three of us watch him go in wonder. What is he doing? He comes back once more a couple minutes later and this time stops and looks at us.

“Uh guys I don’t want you to worry but... where’s Harry?” I frown at the question

“What do you mean where’s Harry? He should be in bed no?” I start to get worried when Niall shakes his head. I turn to Liam who’s probably been up since 8 this morning.

“I haven’t seen him since the bonfire yesterday” Liam puts his hands up in defense and Zayn joins us around the counter.

“Niall was his stuff still there?” I ask the worry in my voice quite evident

“Yeah and his bed was undone it’s like he slept in there last night but left early this morning"

“If all his stuff is there he was probably planning to come back. Maybe he’s on the beach taking a walk stop worrying so much Lou. He’s smart he’ll come back.” Zayn pats me on the back and goes back to watching TV on the couch. Niall shrugs and follows Zayn. I look at Liam and he is back to taking care of his pancakes. He gives me a sympathetic look and motions for me to sit back down. I sigh still worried but listen anyways.

“Don’t worry Lou look if he hasn’t come back by dinner time we’ll go out to look for him alright?” I nod but still don’t answer back.

“Guys breakfast is ready!” Liam calls them and they both run from the couch to sit at the counter and start eating their pancakes with pleasure.

I eat a bit but I’m not very hungry anymore, glancing at the back door to the beach every couple minutes expecting him to pop out at any seconds. I look back down at my half eaten plate and start eating without much enthusiasm. Suddenly I hear the back door open and I look up to see Harry come in looking more tired than ever and I jump out of my seat and without quite thinking run up to hug him. He's frozen and doesn’t hug back and when I realize what I did it’s too late and I take a step back, eyes huge. His face looks scared and I bite my lip feeling bad. Great job Lou you scared him, say something it’s already very awkward.

“Uhm where were you?” I ask my voice cracking a bit but I wait for his answer and the other three boys come closer to me.

“I just went out to take a walk on the beach” He says like it’s no big deal and I suddenly feel anger rushing through me.

“Well why didn’t you leave a note?” Trying to hide the anger in my voice but failing miserably.

“I didn't really think, thought I’d be back earlier.” He just shrugs and I suddenly wonder what time he left at.

“When did you leave?” He shrugs again like he doesn’t know but I can see he is lying; the bags under his eyes giving me an impression that he didn’t sleep much last night.

“Well Harry just next time if you do leave like that, leave a note or something so we won’t worry about you alright?” Liam says in a calm and soothing voice and I can only nod in agreement at what he says.

"Fine” Harry just says. An awkward silence fills the room and Zayn suddenly clears his throat.

“Uhm well boys it seems there might be a storm today how about we stay in and watch some movies?” Niall Liam and I all nod in agreement and we look at Harry expectantly waiting for his answer and he realizes we’re waiting for his opinion. He seems shock and stutters a bit.

“Oh uh s-sure?” I give him a smile but he doesn't smile back, just follows us to the living room where I already hear Niall and Zayn arguing about which movie to pick.

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