Chapter 14

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Bellamy's POV

Monday. I hate Mondays. Because I work on Mondays, I work at Starbucks and even if it's my favorite coffee shop, I hate working here. But I get free coffees so...
But today was worst then the other days because I was thinking about Clarke. The discussion with Octavia made me realise that the way I love Clarke may have always been more than just what I pretend it to be. Maybe I've been in love with her since I know her, which is all my life.
No not maybe. I have been in love with her since I know her.
Bellamy are you even listening to yourself. You can't be in love with her that would ruin your friendship with Clarke. Maybe you can. Maybe you can just tell her. No! No you can't. Damn it. What is happening to me?  I am pull out of my thoughts by a customer. I don't bother looking at the person.
“ Hi! How can I help you? “
“ We need to talk. “ I look up to see Clarke.
“ Princess I'm working. Can it wait till I get home? “
“ No it can't wait. “ I sigh.
“ Come with me. “ I look at Miller one of my colleagues. “ Can you take my place for like 5 minutes, please? “
“ No problem. “
“ Thanks. “
I lead Clarke to our brake room. I wonder what is so important that we need to talk about right now.
“ So what do we need to talk about? “
“ I think we are not on the same page. “
“ What do you mean? “
“ Bellamy... I don't love you like you love me. “ What? How did she knows? I can't tell her.
“ What do you mean? “
“ Don't do like you didn't know what I was talking about. “ She snaps.
“ Hey there. I really don't know what you're talking about. We've always been clear with our feelings toward each other and it didn't change. “ Yes it did.
“ Stop acting Bellamy. Octavia told me. “ How did Octavia knows that?
“ What did she tell you exactly? “
“ That you love me and not just because we're best friend. “
“What? No I didn't tell her that. “
“ Then why would she said that? “
“ I don't know. I told her that I love you as my best friend and nothing more. “  I love you more than that , but I don't want to lose you.
“ Omg Bell. I'm sorry. I disturbed you during your work shift because I believed the person that wants to see us together the most. I'm such an idiot. “ I laugh.
“ It's okay. My sister can be very convincing. “ She laughs.
“ Yeah! Well I'm gonna go. “
“ Wait! “
“ What? “
“ While you're here, can I ask you something? “
“ Yeah. “
“ Are you okay? “
“ Yeah... Why? “
“ Well you've been kind of weird in the last few days. “
“ Bell I'm not weird I just decided it was time to change my life style. “
“ Well I want the old Clarke back. Please? “
“ You'll get use to it. “
“ I'm not sure I'll get use to that. “ She turns to leave.
“ See you later Bell! “
I need to find a girl who is more attractive than Clarke, more amazing, more everything than her. If this girl even exist.

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