Chapter 36

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Clarke's POV

I was in Art class when I was called by the principal.
When I arrived in his office there was a boy about my age standing behind Mr. Jaha.
"Sorry to make you miss your class Clarke, but I need someone to introduce our new student to the school and since you have good grades I thought it wouldn't be a problem."
"It would be my pleasure to introduce him and show him around."
"Great! Well Clarke this is Tyler, Tyler this is Clarke."
"Hi." He says shyly. I have to say that he doesn't look bad at all.
"Hi!" I smile.
"You both have the same classes so it'll be easier for you to show him around. I already told Miss Foster that you'll not be in class. You can go now."
We got out of Mr. Jaha's office.
"Is it ok for you if we stop at my locker first so I can put my stuff?"
"Yeah no problem. And while we're there you can show me where my locker is."
"Yeah show me your schedule it's written there." I look at his schedule and his locker is 320. "Well look like we're gonna be neighbors I'm 319."

*Lunch time*

Tyler and I have a lot in common and he is a really nice guy. I think he's going to be a great friend. I texted O to tell her I was coming and we made our way into the cafeteria.
"Do you want to eat with me and my friends?"
"Yeah why not?" I laugh. Why did I laugh at that?
We reach our table and all I see is an angry Bellamy throwing death glare to Tyler. I ignore him and introduce Tyler to my friend.
"Guys this is Tyler. He's new here. Tyler this is Octavia, Raven, Monty, Jasper, Wick, Lincoln and Bellamy." I say pointing to each of them.
"Nice to meet you!"
"Princess can I talk to you for a moment?"
"Can it wait?" I ask annoy by his attitude.
"No it can't." I sigh.
"Tyler you can sit I'll be back in a minute."
Bellamy took my hand and lead me out of the cafeteria.
"Who's that guy?"
"I told you he's new here."
"But why are you with him?"
"Jaha asked me to show him around."
"Why you?"
"Because we have the same classes so it'll be easier for him."
"Yes that's why Jaha asked me!"
"Well that doesn't mean you have to laugh and be all friendly with him."
"I'm being nice. And he is actually funny."
"No he's not!"
"You're jealous!"
"No I'm not!"
"And you're also childish."
"No I'm not! I'm a grown man!"
"A grown man? If you really are a grown man go back into the cafeteria and learn to know Tyler before judging him. And second I love you and only you so stop being jealous because you're a real ass when you're jealous. Now if you're done complaining I'd like to go eat my lunch with my friends and my boyfriend who will stop acting like a child." I smile and kiss his lips before turning back to our table.

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