Chapter 26

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Bellamy's POV

I am so stupid. Clarke probably hates me right now. Why did I have to fall in love with her?
We arrive at the cabin and got all our things out of the car. We walk to the front door and Abby opens the door immediately.
"Merry Christmas!"
"Merry Christmas Abby!" O says. She enters to day hi to everyone.
"Merry Christmas!" Clarke and I both said at the same time. We were about to enter, but Abby stop us.
"You guys know the tradition." She was smiling. We both look at each other and than look above us. Mistletoe. I look back down at Clarke who was clearly still angry at me. "Oh c'mon! You guys already kissed under mistletoe."
"Yeah! No I think I'll pass." Clarke said. She walk in the house and Abby looks at me weirdly.
"You don't want to know." I say. She really doesn't want to know.
"I hope she's not going to act like that all night."
"I hope." I fake a smile and enter in the cabin.
I was greet by my grandparents, my aunt, uncle and my two cousins, Peter and Dylan. They're twins and they're both my age.
I also say hi to Clarke's grandparents, aunt, uncle and her cousins, Lexa, Scott and Charlotte. Lexa is 16, Scott is 18 and Charlotte is 12.
After I said hi to everyone I went to my usual room to put all my stuff. It's a big cabin so everyone has their own room. Mine is next to Clarke and we chose these two rooms because they are the only one link together by a bathroom.
When we were younger our parents came to say good night and even though our parents would have been angry if they knew that we never went to bed before 2 or 3 in the morning because we were playing games and eating chips and candies in the bathroom. It was our place. The place where we always talk for hours. The place where she cried during hours
I went in the bathroom and see that Clarke's door is close and she locked it. She really doesn't want to talk to me.
I went back to take my suit and than went back to the bathroom to change. I pull off my shirt and at the same moment Clarke opens the door. When she sees me her cheeks become red and she quickly close the door.
Did she just blush at the sight of me shirtless? I mean she already saw me shirtless and she never blush.
"Bellamy can you change faster your not the only one using this bathroom. Remember?"
"So now you talk to me."
"Shut up! Just change faster."
"Stubborn." I said it under my breath, but a little too loud.
"I heard that!"
I finish changing and made my way down stairs. Lexa come to see me immediately. She has always been flirting with me so that's probably what's she's going to do. And maybe that's not a bad thing. She could help me put my mind off of Clarke.
"Hey Bellamy!" She says all smiling.
"Hi Lexa." I smirk.
"So... are you still single?"
"Yeah! I didn't find my soul mate yet." That's not true, but I can't be with her.
"Awsom- I mean you'll find it one day. I'm pretty sure there's a girl out there waiting for you."
"I hope. Hey you want a drink?"
"Sure." I lead her to the kitchen and take two coke. When I turn back, Lexa was just inches away and she kissed me. I kissed back. My head was telling me to continue, but my heart was screaming for me to stop. I pull back.
"Maybe we should go in the living room with everyone."
"Or maybe we could go in my room..." Bellamy you're not doing this. She's sexy and can make you move on. But you love Clarke. I love Clarke.
"Maybe another time." Her smile fade.
We went into the living room with everyone. I look around the room for Clarke, but she wasn't there.
I saw her going in the living room when me and Lexa went into the kitchen.
Where could she possibly be?

Where do you think Clarke is?

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