Chapter 35

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Bellamy's POV

It's been two months since Clarke and I are together and they have been the best two months of my life.
Even though we were both scared that our relationship would never work, after two months we are both happy to see that it work well.
And we are mostly acting the same way than before only we kiss all the time and we have sex.
That's another thing. We didn't want to have sex at first because with thought it would be weird, but I think we both have been attract to each other sexually without knowing it.
Now we're just a normal couple.
And I'm in class not bothering to listen at what the teacher's saying because I can't get her out of my mind.
The bell rings and I rush out of class and make my way to Clarke's locker. I wait for her, but she never comes.
After 15 minutes the other bell rings and Clarke didn't show up to her locker. Where is she?
I walk into French class, the only class that I have with her, but she's not there.
I see O talking with Raven and I figured they know where she is.
"Hey! Have you seen Clarke?"
"She's not with you?"
"O if she was with me I wouldn't be asking."
"Well we didn't see her at break and we thought that she was with you. Like usual."
"I waited at her locker, but she never came."
"Well she was ask at the principal's office. Maybe she's still there." Raven said.
"Alright class! Get to your seats!"
"Don't worry Bell it's just Mr. Jaha."

*Lunch time*

I'm really starting to get worried. She may have been ask to the principal's office, but it's taking to long.
"Bell! Stop worrying. She just texted me telling me she'll be here soon."
"She texted you? Why you?"
"I don't know."
"But I'm her boyfriend."
"Well I'm her best friend and pratically sister in law."
"Relax O we're not married."
"Yet... Oh look there she is." I look behind me to see Clarke... talking and laughing with another guy.
"Who. is. That. Fucking. Bastard?"

I'm sooooooo sorry! I haven't updated in the last week, but school started 3 days ago and I already have like 3 hours worth of homework.
Anyways hope you like it!

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