Chapter 33

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*December 31st*

Bellamy's POV

I'm sitting at the table eating breakfast and drinking coffee, just thinking about everything that happened during Christmas Holidays and so far it has been the best.
I mean, I'm not single anymore. And my girlfriend is amazing.
My thoughts are disrupt by two arms wrapping around me and someone kissing me on the cheek.
"Good morning!"
"Well look who decided to wake up, it's only 11 o'clock and we have a party to prepare." I say sarcastically.
"Thanks I feel really love when you say things like that." She remove her arms and go to the fridge to take the chocolate milk out. I got up and walk to her wrapping my arms around her waist and burying my face in the crook of her neck.
"Have I ever told you that I love you princess?"
"You just did." I laugh.
"But you know we really have to get ready for the party tonight?" She turns around with her glass of chocolate milk.
"I know, but our friends won't arrive before 6 so we have time." She gives me a quick kiss and walk around me, leaving the room and taking one of my toast.
"Hey that was my toast!"
"I know that's why I took it!"
"Damn I like this girl."
"Oh you sure do! And you two really need to get a room."
"You were the one always saying that we would be cute together and that we belong together and now that we officially are together you don't seem that happy."
"I am happy for you, but you are so anoying. And by the way you two are not official yet because there is just our families who know it."
"Well tonight it's gonna be official."
"Is Clarke approving that?"
"No I need to talk to her."
"That's what I thought. I'm going to the grocery store to buy what we need for tonight." She kiss my cheek and leave. "See you later!"

*11:58 almost time for the countdown*

The party was amazing. Even if it's not finish yet, we are all having fun and it was almost time to the countdown.
Clarke and I decided to tell everyone at midnight that we were together by kissing in front of everyone.
Monty and Jasper were pouring champagne in glasses while we were in the living room talking and laughing.
"Guys it's almost midnight hurry up!" O yells from the living room. They enter the living room a couple seconds later.
"Ok everyone! Take your glass and be ready for the countdown." Jasper says. I took Clarke's hand and she smiles at me. We both took our glasses and waited for midnight.
"10" I was starting to get nervous. I didn't know what would be their reactions even though they've been shipping us forever now.
"9" I look at Clarke who also seems nervous.
"8" I squeeze her hand making her know that I'm with her.
"7" She smiles at me.
"6" I smile back.
"5" She squeezes my hand back.
"4" Getting very nervous.
"3" Don't know if I'm ready for this.
"2" Of course you're ready for this idiot.

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