On Her Own

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Disclaimer - I do not own Samurai Champloo or any characters

"Could I have more tea please?" The customer directed his question to the waitress. She didn't respond, but continued to hold her gaze towards the door. He asked more loudly, "Please can I have more teat" Again the waitress ignored his request. He was starting to get annoyed. "Miss, tea." Still nothing. At the end of his rope he yelled, "I WANT TEA!"

"So sorry, I'll get that right away for you sir." Fuu was slightly annoyed by the roughness of the customer. She was usually good about refilling drinks and getting orders in on time, but she had been slightly distracted. A flash of red had caught her eye coming from the tea house's doorway. She had been staring hopefully at the door, not sure what to expect, but for whatever reason she had been holding her breath.

Keiko, the other waitress, noticed Fuu's distraction and was wondering what had been on her mind. Fuu was usually bubbly and talkative. Keiko had been noticing Fuu staring at the door more and more. She quickly nudged Fuu and gave her a questioning glance. Fuu returned it with a simple smile, shaking her head to assure her friend everything was fine. She appreciated Keiko's concern and friendship, but how could she explain feelings that she herself did not even understand.

Fuu's life had settled into a steady rhythm. She had moved to the town over a year ago and enjoyed working at the tea house. The older couple, Mr. and Mrs. Chin, who owned it were always kind and had helped her with finding lodgings when she first moved there. It had been hard at first to settle in one place for an extended period. Ever since splitting from her bodyguards three years ago, she had wondered the country taking temporary jobs to support herself. She continued traveling with the hope to bump into her companions, but she came to the realization that she might truly be on her own, she decided to settle.

She still looked at the doorway when she thought she spotted one of her friends or when she heard the clacking of geta. It always turned out to be a stranger. For some reason she couldn't let go of the idea that their destiny's would bring them together. She missed Jin's quiet, but reassuring presence. He had always been caring to her and she missed his brotherly affection. She even missed Mugen's filthy mouth and rude comments. She started missing the way he teased her. The more she thought about Mugen, the more she realized how many times he had saved her, and of course the last battle he fought for her before they split up.

Maybe there was more to him than she thought. She had started thinking about Mugen more and more, especially while she was lying on her futon trying to sleep. She couldn't believe she was thinking so much about HIM! That baka, who constantly fought her and called her flat-chested. He never cared if she was hungry or if her feet hurt, like Jin did. He was constantly running to brothels and drinking. But then again he had put his life on the line for her, and she had done the same thing when he was fighting Sara. She was confused with her feelings and didn't understand why her face flushed when she remembered the glimpse she caught of his body when he came out of the bath. Right before she drifted to sleep she always pictured him walking into the ruined church to save her.

He slowly stepped into view, blood and salt water mixing together as it dripped from his body. His usually wild hair was soaking wet and sticking to his head. Behind him the waves crashed into the shore, the water almost as blue as the sky. She looked up and mouthed, "Mugen..." not truly believing he had actually came for her.

He took one more step in, she caught his eye and could she the rage emitting from his icy steel glare. He gave her one quick look over, taking in the bruises and cuts. He let out a breath and softly said, "Sorry buddy, time to giver her back now."

Fuu was in shock, she was certain he wouldn't come for her, certain he didn't care for her. She wasn't listening to the psycho who had kidnapped her going on about revenger, instead she stared wide-eyed at Mugen. Outwardly he seemed calm and undisturbed, but she knew what the glint in his eye meant. He was thirsting for blood, ready for he kill. In that moment, everything changed.

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