Chance Encounter

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Keiko needed to get ready for her date, so Fuu offered to cover for her. Keiko thanked her and scurried out. Fuu was busy the rest of the day. She was constantly running with orders and food, cleaning up spills and making change. She didn't even notice a new customer sit down until Mrs. Chin took the tray ladled with food from her and asked her to take their order. Fuu ran over and took out her notepad asking what they would like. The response was total silence. She was getting annoyed, she was swamped with tables and didn't have time for this fool.

She was about to look up and tell them to order or leave when she heard a crash from the kitchen, she tuned her head and saw dished scattered on the floor. 'Ugh, something else for me to do?' she thought. She excused herself quickly and went to clean up the mess.

Mugen couldn't believe his eyes, that wasn't Fuu, it couldn't be her. It was an actual woman. It was a...pretty woman with curves and breasts. Fuu didn't fit that description at all. He watched her scurry to the kitchen and sat dazed for a second. She nearly slipped on spilled tea and that confirmed it, the same klutzy Fuu. What were the chances, of all the towns and tea houses. He didn't like the light feeling in his chest when he saw her. He especially didn't like the how his throat caught when he realized how beautiful she became. This was crazy! He decided it would be for the best to leave before this got out of hand.

Fuu was angry for almost slipping, but she quickly cleaned the mess and returned to customer's table apologizing for leaving. She looked down and the seat was empty. But she heard a familiar click, click towards the door. She jerked her head up and saw a flash of red leave the tea house. Could it be?

She ran out of the tea house, turning in the direction of the sound of the geta. She saw the red gii and a mop of unruly hair. That was him alright. She called out, "Mugen!" and started running towards him. He slowly turned around and rolled his eyes as she came bounding for him. He was getting ready to tell her what a terrible waitress she was for chasing away customers when she crashed into his chest. Mugen was taken aback. She hugged him tightly and started sobbing, she couldn't believe he was actually here!

Never being good with non-sexual contact, Mugen started shrugging her off and saying, "Would you stop blabbering you big baby, geeze!"

"Sorry, I'm just so glad to see you!" Fuu's eyes were filled with tears and she had the biggest smile on her face. She went back to hugging his chest and he couldn't deny the fact that he enjoyed having her warmth against him.

He couldn't believe she was actually glad to see him. He started feeling that lightness in his chest and knew it was time to cut this off. "Okay, okay enough with that shit okay." He finally backed out of the hug.

"Would you like to come back to the tea house and have some dinner? It's on me."

Mugen was never one to turn down food. He started walking to the tea house without answering and Fuu already knew what that meant. She sat him at the same table and asked him to wait until her shift was over so they could catch up. He agreed, as long as he got his fill of food.

It was hard to concentrate on her work after her encounter with Mugen. She was so happy to see him and she was even happier to hug him. She realized how much she missed his earthy smell. He was as lean and sculpted as ever. His skin still shone a caramel color. And she couldn't help noticing how he checked her out. It made her smile thinking that.

After her shift was over, she grabbed a jar of sake for them and directed him to the river. There were some benches and it was usually quiet around this hour. Mugen was just happy for the sake.

They reminisced about their travels and still got a good laugh over Jin not being able to catch fish. Fuu told him of her travels after they split and he replied that he was doing the same shit as always, nothing changed.

It got quiet and Fuu realized how late it was. They had finished the entire jar of sake and she was feeling light-headed. When they stood up, she quickly leaned against the bench feeling the world spin around her. Mugen lightly chuckled, "Still can't hold your liquor huh?"

"I just haven't eaten anything yet that's all!" Fuu huffed. Mugen snickered, it was too easy to get her upset. "Well it's late, do you have anywhere to stay the night Mugen? If you don't you can stay in my extra room."

"Lead the way."

Fuu started walking in the direction of home, but kept leaning to the right, continually getting off course. The sake had really gotten to her. Mugen was getting annoyed, he kept having to pull her arm to keep her steady, she almost fell a few times if he hadn't grabbed her in time. 'Just like old times.' he mused.

"How far is this anyways?" He asked.

"It's that house on the corner up ahead."

"Fine, I don't got all night, come here." With that he slung Fuu over his shoulder and jogged to her house. Fuu resisted at first, but was feeling her eyelids droop and decided to give in this one time. He enjoyed tossing her around like this, she was lighter than he thought. This thought angered him, so as soon as they made it in the house he plopped her on the ground.

"Ouch! You don't have to be such a jerk all the time!" Fuu ungracefully rose and stumbled to her room.

"Well you shouldn't be sucha lousy drunk baka!" Mugen shouted back.

Fuu turned around sharply and yelled out, "I'm not the baka here! I offer you free food and a bed for the night, you should be grateful bakaaa!"

"Oi, who the fuck do you think you are? You should be thanking ME for carrying your fat ass home!"

"Who are you calling fat jerk?" Fuu went right into Mugen's face, her eyebrows were knitted and her nose scrunched in anger.

Mugen pinched an inch of flesh at her waist and said with a big smirk on his face, "Proof speaks for itself."

Fuu turned bright red, she couldn't believe his nerve. They just reunited and already he was driving her insane! She pulled her hand back and with all her might smacked him right across the face.

Mugen was stunned for a moment. "You lil bitch!" he screamed as he lunged for her. They struggled, but Fuu was no match for his strength, especially after drinking. They rolled on the floor with Fuu attempting to smack him again and Mugen trying to hold her flaring body still. Finally he was on top top of her and had a firm hold on each of her wrists. He transferred both wrists to one hand and held them down above her head. With the other hand he gave her a good whack on the side of the head yelling, "So you wanna play it that way do ya girly?"

Both were breathing hard, boring eyes into the other's head. Suddenly Mugen's glare eased and he was losing the tension in his muscles. He was caught in her large brown eyes. Her pouting lips were partially opened and he could see her small intakes of breathes. He noticed the warmth of her body underneath his own and felt her heart rate increasing. He took in a deep breathe and could smell the soft scent of flowers and soap, it soothed him.

Fuu couldn't tear her eyes from his face. She noticed how his icy glare softened. He licked his lips and it sent shivers down her spine. She felt his grip lessening on her wrists. Her anger dissipated and it was replaced with a fire growing in her stomach. Her mind was racing a mile a minute. He slowly used his free hand to place around her waist and started pulling her towards him until their foreheads were touching. She kept a steady gaze on his face, but noticed his eyes were shut.

Mugen was getting frustrated, why was his body refusing to listen to his mind? This was Fuu, not some sexy woman, so why was he seeking her warmth? Why was he pulling her closer to him? And why did resting her head against his own make him feel so damn happy? He kept his eyes shut knowing if he opened them and looked into those doe eyes of hers he would be lost.

"...Mugen..." Fuu barely whispered out. At the sound of his name he quickly removed his hand from her waist and blinked his eyes open. He silently got off of her and walked outside. Fuu sat shocked. She still wasn't sure what had just conspired between them, but she was certain that she was angry he just walked out on her like that. The sake had her mind reeling, or maybe it was the smell of his body pressed so close to her own. She got up and walked to her room thinking, 'Let him go. It's not like I care..' But an ache in her heart made her doubt her own words.

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