Moonlight Stroll

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The first stars were twinkling in the sky when Fuu realized the time. They would have to leave soon so they wouldn't be stuck walking back in the dark. Jin noticed her looking out the window and said what she had been thinking. She smiled at Jin, he always seemed to know what was on her mind.

"Thank you so much for your hospitality. You have a lovely home! I'm so glad we could see each other again." Fuu gave them both hugs and pulled Shino aside for a quick one-on-one. They planned to meet again next week, but this time Jin and Shino would come to Fuu's. Shino tried to reject Fuu's offer, but she insisted. After all, she wouldn't be a gracious guest to not return the favor.

Jin stepped over to Mugen while the women were chatting, "Please make sure Fuu stays safe."

"What are you her father or something?" Mugen was annoyed, when had he not saved her from danger? He was constantly putting his life on the line cause that stupid broad always found trouble. He was sure he could get her home safe.

Jin replied with a simple, "Hmmm..."

"Relax fish face." He nudged Jin in the rib cage.

Jin could sense that Mugen had taken a slight offense, "She would be hurt if you left her so soon." Mugen's smirk disappeared, his eyes widened and he was at a loss of words. Jin saw that his comment had the desired affect.

He pushed past Jin and yelled over his should, "Hurry up brat or I'm leaving without ya lazy ass!"

Fuu rolled her eyes and scampered out waving back to Jin and Shino. She pushed Mugen and whined, "You don't have to yell at me like that baka!"

"Stop acting like a dumb ass then." He grumbled back.

"Excuse me for being polite and thanking them, unlike you you mannerless gorilla!"

"Oi, watch what you say or you'll be limpin home baka!"

"Don't you threaten me!"

Jin and Shino listened to them argue all the way down the hill towards the town. They smiled at each other and returned to their home.

Mugen and Fuu continued to bicker along the road. They started following the river towards Fuu's home.

"Why do you have to be sucha pain in my ass all the time?" Mugen huffed. "Maybe if you had some tits I could stand it, but flat-chested and fat? Keep it up and I'm gonna..."

Mugen wasn't able to finish his sentence because Fuu had pushed him into the river. He had been completely taken by surprise. Fuu started laughing at his miserable state, "Serves you right for being such a jerrr...ahhhh!" She screamed as Mugen dragged her in. Soon they were splashing water at each other. Mugen was able to gets gallons of water to rain down on Fuu and she started running towards the bank screaming.

"Oh no you don't!" Mugen yelled as he grabbed her by the waist, spinning her around and throwing her into the water. She landed with a big SPLASH! and tried to run in the opposite direction to get away from him, but he was too fast. He caught up to her and grabbed her by the waist again only to dive backwards with her into the water. They both came up laughing, Mugen still having his arms around her waist. She spun around and placed her hands on his head jumping up to dunk him. He went down, but took her with him.

They both came up gasping for air. They faced each other grinning from ear to ear. When suddenly Mugen noticed how the moonlight was sparkling in Fuu's eyes. Her clothes were soaked and they clung to her body. The moonlight glistened off the water. They both became quiet and their grins vanished.

Fuu could see a change in Mugen's eyes, they seemed to almost have a hunger. His hair stuck to his face, sending drips down his high cheeks and around his full lips. His shirt grasped his well chiseled form and it made Fuu shiver even though it was warm outside. She looked down and saw him slowly grasp her hand into his own. She blushed a light pink and started feeling a tingling in her toes.

Mugen didn't want to grab her hand, but his body was no longer responding to his mind. He couldn't stop staring at her parted lips. She quickly glanced down as he took her hand and he noticed the pink creeping into her cheeks. He took her chin and gently lifted her face to look at him. She had her eyes closed and slowly opened them so as to meet his gaze directly. Mugen felt a sharp tightening in his chest when she gave him that look. She looked like an angel and it made it sick to admit the desire he had to kiss her. Instead he pulled her into his embrace.

At first Fuu wasn't sure what to do, should she hug him back? She felt the warmth of his body and nuzzled her face against his chest, gathering her arms around him. In response, Mugen placed his chin on her head. They both breathed in and out together, as if they were one. Fuu was blushing a darker shade of pink when he pulled back slightly to look into her eyes again. He seemed so serene, she had never seen him like this before. It sent more shivers coursing through her body. He bent his head down towards her, until their noses were almost touching.

Mugen knew that if he didn't stop himself now, there would be no turning back. But he couldn't stop the burning desire in his heart. He couldn't handle the suspense and dived into her mouth, crashing his lips against hers. Fuu was stunned, she was sharing her first kiss with Mugen! Her heart was pounding in her ears and her face flushed a bright red. The tingling that had started in her toes was racing throughout her body. She could feel Mugen parting her lips with his tongue and starting to massage her tongue with his own. She opened her mouth more fully to allow him to deepen the kiss, he did not disappoint her.

Alarm bells started ringing in Mugen's head. He suddenly remembered Jin's comments. He din't want to get tangled with this chick! He pushed her back. Fuu wasn't sure what was happening, but a look of pain flashed across her face. She was confused by his actions, was she not a good kisser? It was her first time after all, she wasn't exactly sure what to do. Mugen saw the hurt expression in her eyes and he felt his heart drop. He automatically yelled at himself to get a grip, he was angry at Fuu for making him feel this way. He wasn't suppose to care about anyone! He was even angrier for being so delighted by a stupid kiss. He kissed women all the time, what was so great about this one?

Fuu saw anger come into Mugen's expression. She could feel the tears well up in her eyes, but she didn't want to let him see her cry. So she turned and ran for the bank. She didn't care if he couldn't find his way back. She started running in the direction of home, her vision becoming blurred by her tears.

Mugen stood still in the water watching Fuu running off, he could hear the sobbing. He slapped the water with his hand and yelled out, "Dammit!" Why did he allow himself to get that close to her? He didn't want to make her cry, but dammit why did she have to look so innocent. If it had been up to him he would have stood hugging her all night. That thought made him feel even worse. "Stop bein sucha pussy." he mumbled to himself. He slowly got out of the water and headed in the same direction as Fuu.

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