Gal's Night

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Keiko opened her door with a big smile on her face. She had news she had been dying to tell Fuu. They quickly embraced and Keiko set down tea and got straight to business, "You know that super cute guy that keeps coming to tea house and always is so nervous when I ask for his order? Haru?" Fuu nodded. "Well, I have been seeing him around and we have small chit chats, but I didn't think anything would come of it. He always leaves in a hurry! Finally today he walked into the tea house, straight up to me, and asked 'Keiko will you give me the pleasure of going out on a date with me?' Can you imagine! In front of everyone!"

"What did you say?" Fuu was getting excited. He was a very handsome man and he was always polite to everyone. The Chins always spoke highly of his family, they had a thriving business and were well educated.

"I told him that I would be honored." The girls started screaming and jumping around. Fuu couldn't be more happy for her friend. Keiko was beautiful and petite, with a heart shaped face and gorgeous almond shaped eyes. Here skin was flawless and her hair shined a raven's black. And it was more than her outward appearance, Keiko was loving and was always quick with a smile and kind words. Fuu knew that they would make a great match.

The girls talked well into the night about Haru, what to wear on the date, possible topics of conversation, and if there should be a good night kiss. Fuu was getting ready to leave when Keiko asked, "So what's been going on? I thought you had big news to tell me too."

Fuu thought for a moment, she decided to tell her about Jin later. "I was going to tell you that I bought new fabric to make a new kimono."

"Fuu that's great! You promise I'll be the first to see your new creation?"

Fuu nodded and gave her friend a hug. They waved goodbye and Fuu was walking home. The moon was almost full and stars littered the sky. It was a gorgeous night and Fuu had a wonderful day, but she didn't feel so wonderful. She was overjoyed for Keiko and so glad to see Jin and know he had found his true love, but something was missing and she couldn't place her finger on it.

Everyone was finding someone and moving on, so why was Fuu stuck? It's not like she was unattractive. The past three years had changed Fuu. Her hair had grown out, she no longer had her bangs. Her face no longer had the roundness to it. There were more curves to her body and they were in the right places. And she wasn't flat-chested anymore. Her old pink kimono no longer fit and she had to keep making new ones to cover her expanding bosom. In the past three years she had grown into a fine woman.

And it's not like she never got hit on and asked out on dates. Every man she ever had a date with was...well was boring. She missed the excitement in her life and unpredictability, she missed...No she wasn't going to let her mind go there. How could she be thinking about him? He was crass and untamed. He only wanted a certain type of woman and Fuu was definitely not that type of woman! But whenever she tried on a new kimono she made, she wondered what he would think of it. She shook off these feelings and attributed it to the act she was feeling alone.

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