Back To Work

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Fuu's eye's fluttered open. She felt so warm and comfortable she didn't want to move. When her eyes adjusted to the daylight, a tanned arm came into focus with blue tattoos on the wrist. She slowly turned her head to the right and a tanned chest criss-crossed with various scars was there. She smiled remembering Mugen had again spent the night in her room. She slowly turned her body into his chest, not wanting to wake him. He shifted slightly, but within seconds he continued to snore lightly. She thought about what had happened the night before.

He pulled her close to him and whispered back, "Baka" before kissing her. They continued to kiss and Fuu could feel her desire for Mugen pulsing in her veins. She was excited and frightened at the same time. It wasn't that she didn't trust Mugen, she had constantly trusted him even with her life up until this point. But she wasn't sure what to expect or what to do. What if the pain was more than she could handle? What if she wasn't any good and he laughed at her?

Mugen helped Fuu onto the futon making sure her shoulder wasn't bumped. He bent forward and laid his weight gently on top of her. He felt her squirm slightly, so he placed his hands on either side of her head to ease some of his weight off of her. Her lips were so inviting. He could swear they tasted like honey. He could smell the fragrance of flowers over her body and it was intoxicating him. It was all getting to him and he could feel the anticipation vibrating throughout his body. His mind starting shutting off as he pulled off her obi. He heard her give a pleased gasp and it spurred him on. His mind shut off as he unwrapped her kimono and lifted her up to take throw it to the side.

Mugen was undressing her rapidly and she could feel her body responding. She arched her chest towards him and her hands were rubbing any part of his body that came into contact with hers. Despite this there was a small trace of doubt in the back of her mind. She kept trying to push it aside, but when Mugen sat up to cast his shirt to the side she realized how frightened she was. She had never imagined in a million years that she would be doing this with Mugen. She was feeling jittery and could see her hands shaking. She was furious with herself, she was acting like a big baby! She had always tried to prove to Mugen that she was mature, she finally had her chance and she was blowing it.

Mugen could feel his animal instincts taking over. Once he had her kimono off, his eyes travelled greedily over her creamy pale skin. Despite the fact that his blood started boiling when he saw the healing bruises, he couldn't ripe his eyes off of her. He had never seen a more delicious body. He was planning to rip her bindings off and consume every inch of her. He momentarily raised his eyes to her face when he heard a whimper. He felt like a brick hit him. She looked terrified. He mentally slapped himself, he forgot that she was a virgin. He should have slowed down, he had never intended to force himself on her. He sat back on his haunches and took in a deep breath. He wasn't sure if he could calm himself down.

Fuu wasn't sure what was happening. Well, she didn't know what was suppose to happen, but she knew this isn't what was suppose to happen. She hadn't meant to make Mugen feel that she didn't want to. She really did, but she couldn't shake off her anxiety. She sat up and reached for his hand, "...Mugen...I'm sorry, I'm just...".

He mumbled back, "I just need a sec okay?". It was taking all his will-power and strength to control himself.

She pulled her hand back and waited for him.

Once he cleared his head he looked at her and said, "We don't have to do this if you don't wanna. I'm not gonna make you do anything."

She cleared her throat, how could she explain what she was feeling without sounding completely stupid, "That's not it. It's just that I'm...well I'm...nervous...". She looked down at her hands twisting together nervously. She was blushing at how embarrassing the situation was becoming. It had started so romantic and like everything else she had mattered to muddle it up.

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