For No Reason

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Mugen had left the town feeling like shit. He hadn't gotten any and worse off he couldn't sleep because that ugly girl kept popping into his head. It's been three years, why was he still thinking about her? He wondered if she had gotten herself into trouble, yet again. 'Dumb broad.' But then he started getting worried, and then angry for getting worried over that stupid chick. He kept thinking about the way she would get red with anger when he made fun of her and how she would get within an inch of his face in one of their yelling matches. He liked when she was that close, even though it was just to yell at him. He liked seeing her get all flustered because he made fun of her body or looks.

'Ugh...stop being sucha wimp! She means nothing! Who cares?' He thought to himself, but then he realized he cared, even if just a little. Finding her in that abandoned church beaten and bloodied had pushed him to the boiling point. It made him want to rip those guys throats out. Just thinking about it made him want to kill those guys all over again. She was defenseless and he should have been there to protect her. He never wanted to see her harmed.

He sighed and continued on his way, focusing shifting clouds to get his mind away from her. He decided from now on no more pointless thinking on her. It wasn't likely he would see her again and besides there was no way he could do anything with that board on legs.

He didn't expect to take a break anytime soon. He enjoyed the walking, it cleared his head. But he saw a bustling town and for whatever reason decided to stop there. He didn't understand why he was drawn tot he town, but something in his head told him have a nice meal. He found the first tea house and went in.

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