With Night Comes Peace

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Mugen had stayed with Takeshi and Jin longer than he would have liked. The two men had already come up with several plans. They summed them up for Mugen and went over the risks involved. Nothing was set in stone and they planned to meet again the next day. Jin advised Mugen to keep these matters confidential from Fuu. It would only worry her. He asked Mugen to think over what they talked about, they would have to work quickly.

He was getting closer to the tea house. He shoved the thoughts aside, he would keep them at bay until the next day. For now he was in a rush to make sure Fuu was okay. There didn't seem to be any commotion outside. He sat down inside and looked over the menu, boy was he hunugry. He noticed Fuu wasn't anywhere around. He became worried until he heard her shrill laughter coming from the kitchen. Man was she loud and obnoxious.

"Good evening sir. Can I get you anything?" a chipper voice asked. Mugen looked up a beautiful lady. Usually he would say something lewd, but he didn't feel like doing that.

"Just get me some sake to start with." Keiko noticed the stranger's gruff appearance and the blue tattoos. At first she was worried he was some wanted criminal, but then she remembered Fuu's hero friend. Fuu had described him as tough pirate. This guy would definitely match that description. She was pretty sure Fuu had mentioned blue tattoos.

Keiko set the sake in front of Mugen, "What would you like to order?"

Mugen ordered more than than ten men could possibly eat. Keiko was frozen on the spot, was this guy serious? "Move your ass will ya, I'm starving." Mugen barked.

"Right away." Keiko ran towards the kitchen. He certainly ate like Fuu did. She couldn't be sure if this was the guy, but she thought it would be funny to play a trick on Fuu. When she got to the kitchen she said to Fuu, "Geesh! Men are such sleezeballs!"

"What's wrong Keiko?" Fuu was concerned that some jerk had tried to grope her friend again.

"Some scumbag was practically undressing me with his eyes, saying how he was hoping to go to my place when I get off work. Can you believe it?!" It was hard for Keiko to keep a straight face. If this was Fuu's hero, then by Fuu's reaction she would know if there really was anything going on between them.

"Men are pigs! Show me which guy it is, I'll spit in his food!"

This was playing right into Keiko's plan. "That rugged guy with the blue tattoos over there."

Fuu froze, "Did you say blue tattoos?"

"Yeah, he has them on his wrists and ankles. Must be some sort of criminal. He should be with the mouth he has, called me a 'sweet piece of ass'. Ughhh!" Keiko could already see the anger building in Fuu.

"That guy over there?" Fuu pointed at Mugen. Keiko nodded her head. Fuu could not believe him. They are apart for one day and this already happens and in her tea house! She was ready to storm out and bash him over the head with a pot when Keiko stopped her.

Keiko asked innocently, "What's wrong Fuu? You don't know the guy do you?"

Fuu gritted her teeth and said, "I can't believe that jerk. Who does he think he is? Doing this with my friend! Where I work! When I get my hands on him..." She looked up and saw the gleam in Keiko's eyes. "Are you up to something?"

Keiko bursted out laughing, "You should see yourself right now! You're really ready to go crazy on this guy huh? I thought you and your hero were only 'friends'."

Fuu was so angry, how could she let Keiko trick her like that! "It's just...we're just..." Fuu was stuttering, she was at a loss on what to say.

Keiko kept laughing, "Oh stop acting like a grandma. You don't have to say a word, I had a hunch and my hunches are never wrong." She wagged her finger at Fuu. Fuu couldn't respond, she just turned red. This made Keiko laugh harder. She wiped the tears from her eyes and said, "Relax, I made the whole thing up. I won't bug you about it anymore, I just wanted the truth! Not the version you save for the Chins. We can talk later, I gotta finish serving his three trays of food."

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