Sore Limbs And Explanations

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Fuu didn't know how long she had slept, it was deep and dreamless and exactly what she needed. She fluttered her eyes open and was disoriented. She wasn't sure where she was or how she got there. This wasn't her room or that horrible shed she was been trapped inside. She had been lying on her side and tried sitting up. Every bone in her body screamed in protest and her shoulder gave out. She gasped in pain and turned over on her back.

The last thing she remembered was Mugen carrying her through the woods. Now that she took a better look around it looked familiar. This was Jin and Shino's house. She exhaled slowly knowing she was safe. She looked down and saw that she was in the same dirty clothes and she was filthy. She needed a bath right away. She gritted her teeth and slowly lifted herself into a sitting position. She stayed sitting for a moment to let the pain subside and then finished rising.

She felt a small sense of accomplishment. After all she'd been through and physical injuries she endured, she was taking it like a champion. She shuffled to the door and slowly walked towards the bath in the back of the house. She didn't hear any noise from inside the house, she guessed they were out running errands or getting stitched up. Usually she would do that job, but she was out of commission at the moment. She made it to the bath house and saw the soap and towel sitting by the side. She stood for a moment disgruntled, she had been here before and knew it was going to be a painfully, long bath. She could wait for someone to help her, but her stubborn side kicked in. She was going to do this on her own, she had managed to escape a psycho and hold someone hostage. She could do this!

She blew out her breathe from the side of her mouth and it stirred the loose strands around her face. She was trying to get her torn and worn kimono off, but it was a struggle with one armed. She had to face facts that she needed to use both arms. So she bite the bullet and used her other arm to untie her obie. The result was a blast of pain through her shoulder. It sent her falling to her knees and crying out in pain. She shut her eyes tight causing tears to squeeze out at the side of her eyes.

She heard someone rushing towards the bath. Mugen quickly scanned the room before squatting down next to her and yelled out, "Yo, what's wrong!?" He helped her to sit down on the ground and turned her to him.

She gritted out, "I need a bath, but my shoulder is hurting so..."

Mugen jumped in, "Why the hell do you think you can do this...again?! Ya need to sit your ass back down on the bed n' rest."

Fuu tried shoving him back with no result, "No baka! I need a bath. I'm filthy!"

Mugen fumed, "Don't start ya bitchin!"

She pushed her face into his, "You could do the gentleman thing and offer to help me."

Mugen's anger left his face and a devilish smirk replaced it. Fuu blushed, this brought back memories.

Fuu looked down to the ground and asked, "How long was I sleeping?"

Mugen sighed and answered, "I dunno, maybe two days."

Fuu's eyes widened in surprise. The trauma did more damage than she thought. Then she remembered, "And Shino? Is she alright?" She looked back up to Mugen.

He was sitting cross legged with his muscular back slightly hunching forward. His eyes were wandering around the room. "She slept a day or so. Looked like she didn't get it as bad as you." He raised a hand and absentmindedly scratched his head.

To an outsider's perspective, it looked like Mugen was completely at ease. But after traveling with him for so long she knew when something was off. She saw the worry in his eyes. She ran a hand through his wild hair and asked, "What's wrong?"

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