On The Run

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Fuu and Shino had walked the first few hours without saying a word. They held hands occasionally and put on a brave face. They were both deep in thought and worry. Yoshirou said nothing, but took the lead directing them through the forest. His entire body was tensed for action. Fuu could tell he was on high alert. He kept his sword hand on the hilt of his sword at all times.

As they passed through the trees Fuu was having deja vu. She remembered the last time she was deep in the woods. Those men had surrounded her and she was trapped. She prayed that lightening would not strike twice. The thought left a pang in her heart, she wished Mugen was with her to give her courage. She had to be strong not only for herself, but for him. 'Please let him come back to me safe.' she pleaded.

They stopped be a stream for a break. It had been years since Fuu had lived the travelers life. She wasn't use to the long walks through tough terrain. When she sat down her feet were throbbing. She looked at Shino and saw the discomfort on her face. "Come on, let's go cool our feet off in the stream. It'll help with the soreness." Shino followed her and they dipped their feet in the stream.

"I can't believe you guys use to walk like this all day." Shino said to Fuu.

"Neither can I! But Jin was always so considerate. He would force Mugen to take a break so I could rest."

Shino smiled at the mention of Jin, "He is very kind. What was it like traveling with those two?"

Fuu moved her head from side to side thinking about what to say, "I never wanted our journey to end. Over time they became more than my bodyguards, they were my family. Of course it was never easy. They always got us mixed up in crazy situations, but they always got us out of them. We never had any money or food and Mugen would constantly bug me." Fuu laughed at the thought. They had really been at each other's throats the entire trip. But there were times when they laughed, usually at Jin's expense.

"Sounds like not much has changed between the two of you."

"I guess not." Fuu started thinking about Ikitsuki Island. "Did Jin ever tell you about what happened to us on Ikitsuki Island? It was where we went our separate ways."

Shino knew very little of the details, "I only know how Kariya was killed. Other than that, Jin has said nothing."

Fuu started twisting her hands in her lap and looked down nervously. This was not a topic she enjoyed speaking about, but she thought that Shino deserved to know the truth. "I had separated from the two before heading to the island. I wanted to make the final leg of my journey on my own. I knew that I had come to rely on them, always thinking that they would be there. But once the journey was over, they would leave. So I headed off on my own. I hadn't gotten too far when I was kidnapped. They were trying to seek revenge on Mugen and were using me as bait...of course. I was certain that Mugen wouldn't come for me. I had split from them and he no longer had a responsibility to be my bodyguard. Besides, he always acted like he hated me and couldn't wait to get rid of me. Just when I thought there was no hope Mugen rescued me. He basically traded his life for mine. I ran off in search for my father. Kariya found me and killed my father. I tried to run from him, but I knew it was no use. There was no one left to save me, I thought I was going to die. Then right at the last moment, Jin came and battled him."

Shino added, "He left an opening in his stance intentionally so that after Kariya attacked, he could catch him off guard and kill him. Jin told me this was the last option and it didn't ensure survival."

Fuu nodded, "I learned that day to never give up, no matter how grim the circumstances. Shino, we can't give up on them. And we can't give up in ourselves." After hugging, both women felt much better. They finished cooling off their feet. Yoshirou rose and beckoned them to follow him. They obliged and continued on their journey. Yoshirou let them know they would arrive at their destination soon.

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