Coming to Terms

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The rest of the day consisted of eating and resting for Fuu. She was feeling very sore and Mugen told her the best way to handle it was to rest. He helped her wrap her arm to her shoulder so that she wouldn't injury herself any further, but she could only use one arm. Neither mentioned what happened at the bath house. Mugen went back to making fun of her when she couldn't do something because of her injury and Fuu retaliated. But it was different this time. Fuu noticed it in the way he said things. There was a playfulness in his eyes and a slight smile on his lips.

Fuu's main concern was switching from the complexities of her relationship with Mugen and how she was going to explain her appearance at work the next day. She wanted to be truthful, but she was embarrassed and not sure how to explain Mugen. Even though they had a long history, Mugen's general appearance frightened people. She wasn't sure if people would get the wrong idea and think that he had beaten her. Or worse, would Keiko and the Chins think they were being intimate together? She flushed at the thought.

Mugen had no idea how to describe what was happening between Fuu and himself. He didn't want to dissect it or think about it anymore. He was content with the way things were going. He did know that he couldn't leave her alone. She was bound to get into more trouble or kidnapped. He decided that the only option left was to keep an eye on her at all times. In the meantime, he enjoyed poking fun at her. It reminded him of their traveling days. She was easily flustered and it only made it that much more enjoyable. He liked how her face would twist in anger and her tiny hands would clench in a harmless fist. He was even liking the way she would yell "baka" at him.

It was dinner time when Fuu thought it would be best to talk about what would happen the next few days. It was important to have a plan on how to explain her injuries and Mugen's sudden appearance. She had finished cooking the fish and rice. Mugen plopped down and yelled out, "Oi, what's taking so long? I'm starving here!"

"Yeah yeah, it's done." Fuu clumsily placed his filled bowl in front of him.

They started chewing in silence when Fuu put down her chopsticks, "We need to figure a few things out."

Mugen swallowed hard, he was not ready for this and would rather walk out this second than have this conversation. Fuu could see the fear in this eyes, "I mean what we are going to tell everyone about you staying here and what happened with those guys the other night."

Mugen gave out a sigh of relief, "Why the hell should I care? I don't gotta explain shit to no one."

Fuu was already getting exasperated. She forgot his constant stubbornness when it came to doing whatever he wanted and never answering to anyone about it. "Well, I have to live here so I don't want to give anyone the wrong impression."

He raised his eyebrows, "What the hell is that suppose to mean?"

"It's just I don't want people to think more is going on than what is and I don't want anyone to assume you had a hand in what happened to me. You can give off the wrong first impression."

Mugen was starting to loose control of his temper, "Listen girly you should be happy to have people think something is going on here cause you'd be lucky to get any of my attention with that flat-chest and bug eyes. I don't give a rat's ass what they think I did or didn't do to you got it?"

Fuu's hand clenched into a fist and she could feel the steam coming out of her ears. She stood up and yelled with her finger pointed in his direction, "Listen buddy you would be the lucky one, not me! And if you're gonna stay here then you'd better start caring baka!"

He got up and met her glare, "I don't gotta do nothin! In fact, I don't gotta stay here! It's not worth putting up with your constant naggin anyhow." He slung his sword over his shoulder and headed for the door.

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