The Wanderer

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Mugen had been walking all day, he was thirsty and ready for a break. He saw a town up ahead and quickened his speed to get some grub. He sauntered into the tea house, ready for dumplings.

"What would you like today sir?" The waitress asked bubbly. Mugen looked up from his menu and he froze. She was wearing a pink kimono with flowers, it was so similar to...


Mugen quickly shook his head and put in his order adding, "And make it quick will ya." He couldn't believe he was thinking about HER again. Every time he saw a pink kimono or heard a whiny voice it stopped him in his tracks. He wasn't able to put his feelings into words, but he missed his companions. He reasoned that he had gotten use to fish face and the bossy bitch. Without them around there was no one to fight with or tease. Even if she was flat-chested and annoying as hell, she was useful at times. Like when she bandaged him up after a fight. He still couldn't get the trick of it. On the other hand, she would constantly complain about needing a break or being hungry, which she always was! Good riddance!

"That lil bitch.."

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