Dark Forest

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Fuu had to stop running after almost tripping numerous times. Her side had been hurting her anyways, she looked up to the beautiful stars that filled the sky. 'Why would destiny bring him back in my life just to break my heart?' she asked the stars. Unfortunately, she received no answer. After cleaning her tear streaked face with her sleeves she continued walking towards home. She just noticed how late it must have been. She knew the town wasn't far, but the forest trees were blocking her view. She didn't know why, but the hair on her neck stood up and she had the feeling she was being watched. She stopped and started looking around, trying to sense any movement or noise. She was about to take a step when she heard a branch snapping. She practically jumped out of her skin and her heart started pounding against her chest.

"You lost lil girl?", a deep voice called out from the trees. She looked in the direction it came from and saw a middle-aged man come out. He was balding and there were acne marks all over his face. His eyes seemed glazed over and that's when the panic started setting in.

Fuu dashed ahead only to be cut off by another man. This was a younger man with bangs that covered his eyes, but she understood his intentions by the evil smirk plastered on his face. "Don't be scared by Kouta, he only wants to have a lil fun."

She tried finding an escape route when another pair of men stepped out to the right of her. One was a young man in his teens and the other a middle-aged man with a beard and a large scar going across his cheek. As they started to descend she noticed the same glazed expression in their eyes and smelled the alcohol their bodies seemed to be drenched in. Her only option was to run to the left. She bolted for it, with all the men hot on her heels. She felt something tug her back by her collar and she fell down.

"Now why would you go and do that?" The man with the scar tisked her. He had been the one that grabbed her. "If you're a good lil girl we'll make sure to go easy with you." He chuckled and the others joined in.

Fuu knew her only chance was to fight back. She kicked him in the stomach and scrambled to get up, but the man with the ponytail had already snatched her. He pulled her roughly into him and she started screaming for all she was worth. He quickly slapped her across the face. The blow knocked her down, she could feel her lip split. She didn't have time to react because she felt a kick to her abdomen. She doubled over in pain. She could feel something sticky and metallic fill up in her mouth.

"This one is a feisty one boys! But that's how we like them, fresh and kickin!" Kouta barked out. Fuu could feel him kick her face down into the earth. She tried to struggle, but the pain in her stomach wouldn't let her move much. She felt them pulling her hands behind her back to tie them up, she continued to squirm but to no avail. She also felt her legs being roped together. She started to yelp out, so they gagged her. They continued to kick and and beat her until she stopped struggling.

'...Mugen help...' Fuu thought as they starting dragging her into the forest.

Mugen was feeling miserable. Why was that bitch so stupid running off by herself? With how klutzy she was sure to fall off a cliff and kill herself. He didn't want to face Fuu tonight, he had decided to drink heavily before he returned to her house. To hell with what Jin had said, he was leaving the next day no matter what. As he was thinking this he heard a familiar scream echoing through the forest. He stopped in his tracks, that couldn't be...He was filled with anger, how could he have let her run off by herself so late at night? He ran off in the direction of the scream. He hoped he was wrong. He could feel his body tensing for action. Right at the moment he heard some muffled sounds and a few grunts. He quickened his pace.

Fuu was being dragged by her feet along the forest floor. They had kicked and punched her a few more times to render her completely helpless. She felt the tears running down her bruised face and she wanted to scream out. If only she hadn't run from Mugen. Suddenly they stopped in front of an old hut. They opened the door and threw her inside. She moaned out when her head hit the wall. The teenager started a small fire, while the other three gazed greedily at her. Kouta seemed to be the leader because he pushed the other two back, making his intentions clear, he wanted first dibs. They stepped outside the hut holding a flask.

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