Secrets and Giggles

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Mrs. Chin had closed early, a big storm was coming and the town was shutting down in anticipation for it. Keiko and Fuu grabbed some tea and food and sat down to have a mini-girl's night in the tea house. Fuu had to wait for Mugen to get back anyway.

"I want to know every detail about your date with Haru and every date since then!" Fuu chirped out.

Keiko went into the story of their first date. Haru had been the perfect gentleman and had made her feel like the luckiest woman in the world. They had a wonderful lunch together and took a stroll through the park. He had rented a boat and they rowed along the river. They spent the entire time talking and laughing. Keiko was certain she would never find another man like Haru in her life. When it started to get dark they had dinner and finally went to watch a performance. Haru had walked her back to her home and gave her the most romantic kiss. Everything was perfect.

Fuu felt her heart bursting with joy. It all sounded so wonderful. "Keiko, that was the most romantic thing I've ever heard." She sighed.

"I know, he's head over heel in love with me. And I could not imagine a more perfect man for me. He took me to meet his parents!"

"You have to tell me!" Keiko recalled the tale to Fuu. His parents were delighted at the beautiful woman their son was courting and they had given their full approval.

"Now, it's your turn! I want to know everything!" Keiko was getting ready for the big reveal. She knew that this man had travelled with Fuu and saved her from the muggers, but other than that she knew nothing.

"Well...I don't know where to begin." Fuu wasn't sure what to say.

"Start with his name!" Keiko couldn't believe she didn't even know that.

"His name is Mugen. You know he helped me throughout my journey..."

"And he saved you from the muggers." Keiko happily chipped in.

"Right, it seems like he has always been there for me when I've been in danger. But he's not what you would consider a typical hero. He's just different, I've never met anyone like him. He's so unpredictable, there's never a dull moment with him. And I guess we fight sometimes...well always, but it's just how we are you know?"

Keiko was smiling, "I think so. What's with the blue tattoos?"'

Fuu didn't have a real answer. She knew he had spent time in prison but she never asked what he had done. "He's from Ryukyu."

Keiko's eyes widened, "Oh, well it explains why he's so dark." They both laughed. It made Keiko worry, she knew Ryukyu was full of convicts and dangerous men.

"I guess he never had a family and lived a hard life, that's why I know he's not what he seems. No one ever gave him a chance. He can be rough and sometimes scary, but he's proven more than once that he cares deeply for me. He's more loyal than anyone I've known, I can trust him...with my life. Being away from him these three years was more than enough time to know that I don't want to be apart from him again."

Keiko started tearing up, "That is so sweet. Fuu, might you be in love?"

Fuu blushed, "I guess so." They started giggling again.

"I have been wondering...where has he been staying?" Keiko had been wanting to ask her that since she knew Mugen had come into town. She knew he wasn't staying at the local inn, there would have been more talk around town. Fuu had told her they would often stay in the same room on their travels, so she knew modesty was not a problem between them.

Fuu was about to answer when they heard someone walking in. Keiko didn't look up, "Sorry, but we're closed early."

A gruff voice answered, "That's no problem, I'm not here for the service." They looked up and saw Mugen giving them his devilish smile. "Ya ready?"

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