Jin Unfolds His Plan

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After they had finished their meal, Jin had decided it was time. He cleared his throat. Everyone quieted down, it was not often that Jin wanted everyone's attention. "There is something we need to discuss."

Fuu was nervous. She had been thankful that Jin was so concerned about her, but she was not ready to confess about her relationship with Mugen. She cleared her throat, "I'm lucky that I have someone like you to worry about me, but I...uh...don't think this is the time." She had been worried about what Mugen might say since they came and that fear was looming in her mind. He didn't understand the word discretion, and he loved to be crude in front of Jin.

Jin was confused, he thought he had made it clear to not say anything to Fuu. It wasn't like Mugen to be so talkative. He eyed Mugen suspiciously, who responded by shrugging his shoulders. Jin answered, "We cannot hold the subject off any further."

Fuu stood up, "I am not comfortable having this conversation."

This got Mugen's attention, he was just as confused as Jin. "Why are you being sucha pain in the ass?"

Fuu was appalled, how could Mugen be okay with this? "I am NOT about to discuss our sex life with Jin!", she yelled out frustrated with the whole situation.

Everyone gaped at Fuu's outburst, everyone but Mugen. He smiled triumphantly at Jin. Fuu slowly sat down, her face burning red with embarrassment. She was mortified. The whole time she had been worried about Mugen saying something and it was her own big mouth that spilled the beans. Mugen placed an arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to him. Jin only shook his head with a small smile playing on his lips. Shino tried not to look so astonished, she didn't want to be rude.

Jin decided to break the silence, "That's not what we need to discuss. And in the future I would appreciate it if you kept your personal matters just that." Fuu placed her face in her hands. Mugen didn't understand what the big deal was.

Jin continued, "Unfortunately, I bear bad tidings." He continued to tell the girls about who Katashi was and what danger he posed. Mugen stayed silent, he knew that if he said anything he would explode with rage. Shino silently listened, but she did place her hand on Jin's. Even though she was scared, she trusted Jin to protect them. She knew he was very level-headed and wouldn't make rash decisions with their lives.

Fuu had forgotten about her embarrassment, it was replaced by terror. She remembered her final encounter with Kariya on the cliff. He had just murdered her father and explained that he was ordered to kill any of his living descendants. She knew death was near and she had been powerless to do anything. She had seen Mugen struggling on the beach and knew he couldn't save her a second time. If it hadn't been for Jin, she wouldn't be alive. The thought made her shiver. Mugen noticed and pulled her closer to him.

Fuu gulped before asking, "What should we do?" She looked from Jin to Mugen. Jin held his usual calm demeanor, but she could tell he was masking something. Mugen on the other hand was furious and he showed it. His steel grey eyes had a fire burning in them. She curled her arm around his waist, she wanted to calm her down.

Jin answered, "There is only one liable option. Katashi is a patient man. He hasn't made the first move because he wants to ensure his revenge. He believes Fuu is the one who defeated his father."

Fuu spoke up, "That's insane! There was no way I stood a chance against that guy."

Jin explained, "Reports reached Katashi that Kariya killed me at the docks and Mugen died at that abandoned church on the island. He knows Kariya followed you to the island and killed your father. But as it turned out his father was killed and you survived.."

Fuu was starting to understand how desperate the situation was. "Can't I just explain to him I didn't kill his father..."

Jin shook his head, "His purpose is two-fold. Not only does he want to avenge his father's death, but he means to complete his father's original mission."

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