Keiko Curious

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The next morning Fuu awoke with a smile on her face and a song in her heart. She literally felt like she was bursting with rainbows and butterflies. She was sore from the previous night, but it was a soreness she could be proud of. She could finally join the ranks of womanhood. She hoped that Mugen felt the same satisfaction she did. It was her first time and she wasn't sure what exactly to do. Mugen was use to experienced women, who didn't have a shoulder injury. What if he thought she wasn't any good?

She turned towards him and saw him snoring away peacefully. Momo had wandered to the futon during the night and laid snuggled in his tangled hair. Fuu couldn't imagine a cuter scene to wake up to. She nuzzled her face into Mugen's neck and whispered, "Good morning."

Mugen muttered something incomprehensible and went back to snoring.

Fuu lightly kissed his neck and whispered closer to his ear, "Good morning."

Mugen let out a grunt and turned away from her. Momo flopped down into the futon with a squeak and flitted away.

Fuu felt hurt, but she knew he might just be sleeping. She inched closer to him and started playing with his hair. She crept towards his ear and said, "Wake up sleepy head."

Mugen grumbled, "Go away." and pushed her.

Fuu's joyful morning had turned into a disaster. 'So I was right all along, I was no good. He probably doesn't want anything to do with me.' At the thought she sat up and started sniffling. How could everything have gone bad so quickly? It wasn't her fault that she wasn't like the girls in the brothels.

The sound of sobbing had woken Mugen up. He knew that Fuu was trying to wake him up, but he was tired and wanted to be left alone a few more minutes. He hadn't meant to hurt her feelings, but he wasn't use to spending the morning after cuddling with a woman. Usually, he did what he wanted and left the next morning without giving the woman another thought.

He wanted to shut her up, "Oi, why you cryin? I just wanted to sleep a lil longer, relax."

Fuu sniffled and turned towards him. He had sat up next to her, but had left a good foot between them. "So you're not regretting what happened?"

Mugen had no idea how women's minds worked, "Where the hell did you get that from?"

"Well...I know I'm not like most of the women you've been with. I thought you might not have liked it." She let out a heavy sigh, it wasn't easy to say it out loud.

Mugen smiled, he wondered why she would worry about that. It had been the best night of his life. He had never felt so connected to someone. Of course, he couldn't say this. "You're definitely different."

She raised her face to him, eyes filled to the brim with fresh tears. This made his smile only widen, "You're nothin like I've ever had."

The comment had had the intended effect. She matched his wide smile and whispered, "Same here."

Mugen wasn't ready for more mushiness, so he pushed himself up and walked out of the room saying over his shoulder, "I gotta piss, make me breakfast will ya?"

Fuu wiped her eyes with her sleeves and yapped back, "You could say please jerk! I swear, you have zero manners."

They continued bickering throughout breakfast. Mugen trying to rile Fuu into a frenzy and Fuu overreacting and screaming back.

Mugen walked her to work. They had finally finished bickering when the tea house came into sight. Mugen remembered what he had to finish planning today and it worried him. How did he know that Fuu wouldn't get attacked at work? What if something happened and he wasn't around to save her?

Fuu was sad to part from Mugen. Even though they fought constantly, she enjoyed the comfort she felt with him. She couldn't deny that their relationship was very unique. She was still curious about what he was going to be off doing, but she didn't want to bring up the subject again. Instead she looked awkwardly around and mumbled, "I...uh...guess I'll see you later."

As she turned to walk inside, Mugen grabbed her hand and pulled her back. As they stood facing he intertwined his hand with hers. He felt like an idiot holding her hand, but he didn't know any other way to express his concern for her. He knew he couldn't articulate what he was thinking, Mugen's mind didn't process emotions like everyone else. To him, love was a waste of time. Everything with Fuu was new and he was just getting use to the idea of them being together. He said the only thing that wouldn't reveal his true feelings, "Just don't do anything stupid today. I can't be around to save your fine ass all the time."

And here Fuu was ready for him to take her into his arms and romantically kiss her, she should have known better. But he had complimented her rump, she knew that was Mugen's way of saying he cared. She punched his arm and walked into the tea house. Mugen turned and started walking away when he heard her return. He was turning back to see what the problem was when she gave him a deep kiss. "I wanted to give you a reminder of what's waiting for you here."

Mugen was incredibly turned on. He grabbed the back of her head and returned the kiss. When they pulled back he turned and started walking away, but he said over his shoulder, "Just returning the favor girlie."

Fuu smiled and ran back inside. As she entered the tea house, someone grabbed her arm and pulled her to the side. Fuu yelped from surprise, until she saw it was Keiko. "Are you crazy? I almost had a heartattack!"

"Sorry, but I had to grab you while we still have some privacy. Ever since Mrs. Chin saw that guy yesterday she's been on high alert."

Fuu squirmed uneasily, she didn't want to become the topic of town gossip. "Really?"

"Yeah! But forget about that, it's time to come clean. Who is this guy and what's been going on with you two?" Keiko asked accussingly.

Fuu put her hands up, "Whoa, before we even start on that you were suppose to tell me what's going on with Haru!"

Keiko crossed her arms over her chest and huffed, "Looks like we need a girl's night! I have been wanting to know about this mystery guy...but I've also been dying to tell you about Haru and me."

"After work today, this is an emergency. I can't believe we've gone this long without talking." Fuu knew that Mugen would hassle her, but this couldn't wait any longer.

"Just be ready to tell every single detail."

They went arm in arm to the kitchen. Fuu was excited to know about Keiko and Haru's relationship, but she didn't know how much she should share about hers and Mugen's. She was certain that Haru had never spent the night with Keiko, that wouldn't be courteous to Keiko. She was also certain he didn't use fowl language or was crude in front of Keiko. The more she thought about it, she wasn't sure if Keiko would understand what was happening with her and Mugen. Fuu loved Keiko, she was her best girl friend, but they had lived very different lives. Keiko's parents lived close by and she had a close relationship with them. She hadn't known any real hardships or trials.

When Fuu related some of her adventures with Jin and Mugen, it was hard for Keiko to understand their relationships. She was shocked that Fuu would sleep in the same room as the two men. She didn't understand how Fuu wasn't scared that Jin or Mugen would do something to her or that she wasn't frightened when they killed people. Fuu never had thought to be scared, they were her bodyguards. They had saved her from very sticky situations. Unless you're in the situation, it was hard to explain.

She decided to keep certain details to herself. She wasn't embarrassed about her relationship, but she didn't feel like justifying what she knew was right for her. Keiko wouldn't find it appropriate that Mugen was living with her or that they were sleeping together after only reuniting a few days ago. It all felt right for Fuu, after traveling together for so long she could never imagine being as close to any other person. Fuu knew that fate had played a hand in bringing them together, they belonged together. But she didn't know how to explain it to Keiko, and she didn't have to.

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