Getting To The Bottom Of Things

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Mugen wasn't looking forward to speaking with Jin. While he was at his house, Jin had mentioned that it would be to Mugen's benefit to visit his employer, Takeshi Nakamura. Apparently Jin had learned valuable information that he did not feel comfortable sharing with the women in the house. Mugen would have blown him off completely if Jin hadn't added that it involved Kagetoki Kariya, the samurai that Jin had killed on Ikitsuki island. Hearing his name made Mugen's fists ball with rage and anger. He had wanted to be the one to defeat him, but Jin had sent him off to rescue Fuu instead.

Without Fuu slowing him down, Mugen made it to the impressive house in no time. It was gated with guards posted along the perimeter. 'No wonder ol' fish face was able to get that house, with a rich prick like this guy hiring him.' Mugen thought. He strolled to the entrance when he was stopped by a guard.

The guard looked at him with disgust, "State your business."

Mugen didn't like his tone and he cared even less for his attitude. Who did this guy think he was speaking to? "That's not really any of your damn business." He shouldered past the guard and continued walking.

The guard called out in alarm and Mugen found himself surrounded. He smiled, he hadn't had a good fight in days. "Listen up bastards, I got no time for playin around. So unless you're ready to get the shit kicked out of you, move outta the way."

One guard stepped forward and bellowed, "Drop the sword and get down on the ground or we will be forced to take action."

"My sword? Hell, I don't need that to take care of you ugly dudes." He launched off the ground landing on his back, spinning his metal-lined geta outwards. He smashed in a few of the guys faces. They staggered back, holding their mouths. The other guards drew their swords and Mugen was ready for them. When one lunged for him he side-stepped and gave a swift kick to that guys back. He laid sprawled on the ground. The other guard slashed at Mugen's right side, narrowly missing. Mugen took the opportunity and elbowed him in the ribs. The guy staggered back, Mugen jumped up and kicked his leg out making direct impact with the man's chest. The man who had initially stopped him was the only one left, beads of sweat were running down his face and his eyes widened in fear. He knew he was no match for this ruffian.

"Enough!" A well-dressed man roared out. The guards clumsily got to their feet at attention.

"So you must be the head hauncho. Gotta tell you, with the money you gotta be rakin in you got some sorry ass excuses for protection." Mugen leaned his head side to side, cracking her neck.

"I have to say, you're skills are better than what Jin described." Takeshi Nakamura said with a grin. He was a tall man with broad shoulders and strong arms. He was middle aged, but still had a thick mane peppered with greys. He had a strong jaw line, but the harshness was offset by the youthful twinkle in his eyes. Mugen knew this was a man who could hold his own.

"Four eyes was always jealous, couldn't blame him." Mugen was surprised Jin said anything at all about him.

"Thank you for coming." Jin quietly said stepping beside Takeshi.

"Guards, get yourselves cleaned up. Mugen, please come inside." He motioned with his hand for Mugen to follow him toward his home, "But next time, instead of turning my men into sniffling babies you can just tell them we have an appointment." Takeshi and Jin started walking away. Mugen saw Jin's mouth give a small twitch at the side. He growled at him and followed the men.

"Please sit Mugen." Takeshi had showed him to his tea room. Takeshi and Jin sat on one side of the table and Mugen sat opposite them. A servant came in with tea and served each man. "I hope it wasn't too much trouble to find my residence."

"Look, this whole polite crap is nice and all, but I don't really give a shit. Let's get to the point." Mugen didn't feel comfortable with this man and he didn't feel comfortable with the situation.

Takeshi let out a small burst of laughter. "A man who gets to the point, reminds me of you Jin." He nudged Jin in the side still chuckling.

Jin was not pleased with the comment and replied with his standard, "Hmmm...".

"He told me that you have information about that bastard Kariya." Mugen said this without a trace of emotion, his face was set in a hard line. He knew this man had only bad news for him.

"It wasn't merely coincidence that Jin and I became acquainted. You see I was old friends with his master Mariya Enshirou. In fact, he came to me with a dilemma right before his untimely death." At this point, Mugen noticed that Jin lowered his gaze to the floor. "You see another samurai, Kariya, had come to him with strict orders to kill his master student...Jin."

"Yeah, know all that. So what's the point?" Mugen started picking his ear with his pinkie finger. He was getting bored real quick.

"Before following through with his orders Enshirou came to me with a favor. He never intended to follow through, but knew if he didn't someone else would. So he staged an attack on his student fully intending not to win the battle. He asked me to look after Jin. Being my good friend I agreed. I was not able to discover the whereabouts of Jin until you started journeying together. I could not stop Kariya from attacking, but when I heard Jin had overpowered him I sought him out. He has now become me closet confident. Although most times I feel like the conversations are very one-sided."

Mugen was starting to warm up to this guy. Takeshi continued, "Jin and I have both kept our eyes and ears open over the years for word from the shogunate about retaliation against you and your companions. Fortunately, you are no longer on the radar. We heard nothing for years and thought it was no longer a danger. But...then word came to us concerning Kariya."

Mugen wasn't sure where this was going, "I thought he was dead."

"You are correct. What went unnoticed was that Kariya had a bastard son, Katashi. Even though this bastard did not take his father's name, he was in his father's good graces. He taught him the way of the sword and left him a small fortune."

"Let me guess, this bastard Katashi guy has a taste for revenge?" Mugen wasn't impressed. What was so scary about one puny guy?

"Correct again. He also has at his disposal a yakuza of former ninja. He seeks to finish what his father started. Because of circumstances, he believes Jin and you to be dead. Because of my influence I am able to assure some security for Jin. Unfortunately, somehow he was discovered Fuu's whereabouts. He doesn't know any specifics, but reports have reached him that she is near my jurisdiction."

The sound of her name made him flinch, why was she always getting herself into trouble. He automatically became distrustful of this man, what would he gain by telling Mugen, what was his angle? "So why tell me?"

Takeshi chuckled, "You give me too much credit if you think I'm part of some extravagant trap." He became serious, "My son left this world some years ago and Jin has become like a son to me. Upon hearing this information he expressed his strong bond with Fuu. Even though he won't say it I know he considers both of you his family. And Jin's family is my family."

Mugen wasn't sure how to respond. Even though he liked to pretend that he did not care for Jin, he was Mugen's closet friend. Jin decided to break the silence, "You must protect Fuu, she will need you to keep her safe."

Takeshi added, "Eventually this bastard will find out that you two survived. That will lead him here to Jin and his family. Not just Fuu is in danger here."

Mugen took a deep breath, "So what's the plan?".

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