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Mugen had made some good cash as a hired sword and was ready to spend it on booze and women. He strolled to the red light district, clasping his hands behind his head feeling like he didn't have a care in the world. He stopped at the brothel someone had referred him to. Supposedly they had the best looking broads in town. Mugen was ready to blow off some steam. He started checking out the goods, getting ready to pick which one he wanted to bang, when a memory popped into his head.

Mugen was racing through to rain to the red light district. Thankfully for him, he knew exactly which brothel Fuu was being held prisoner. He couldn't believe he was actually going to save her, again! How does this broad keep getting into trouble? And why did he always feel the need to help? This was the last time.

He still didn't understand what had forced him to turn around and rescue her. He was on the road finally free of that baka and the stupid samurai, he didn't have to put up with their shit again. Why did he have to make that stupid promise tot he wench?

Getting to the brothel, he kicked down the door and demanded to know where she was. When he didn't see her right away panic started setting in. What is someone had already bought her for the night? What if he was too late? At that moment he felt an anger rise in him, he didn't want some creep all over her.

Mugen had his foot in the entrance, when he turned around and walked away. He felt guilty and he didn't understand why. The thought of paying for a woman had never bothered him before, so why was he wimping out? He could not believe he was actually walking away from this, and why?

"That lil bitch..."

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