Twist Of Fate

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Thankfully, a few months after settling in destiny had dealt her a hand. While shopping at the market she glanced up to see a familiar face at a stall across the alley. She scrunched her eyebrows, attempting to place the face with a name. It was a beautiful woman with pale skin and a gracefulness about herself. The more she looked the more she became frustrated. She didn't know why, but she had to know who this woman was. She decided to get closer for a better look. Fuu hid behind a stall and watched as the woman strolled to the bridge, stopping in the middle. That's when it hit her, Shino! Fuu's heart caught in her chest and she gulped. She quickly did the math, it had been three years since they left Shino at the temple sanctuary. That must mean that Jin was close by!...Maybe even Mugen was traveling with them. She shook her head, how could she be thinking about that jerk at a time like this!

Fuu quickly ran toward the bridge when she saw a tall man grasp Shino's hand and start to walk across the rest of the bridge. Fuu knew those swords hanging from the man's waist. She yelled out, "Wait! Please, Jin!" The man turned, upon catching sight of Fuu his eyebrows raised slightly and the side of his mouth twitched into a smile. Fuu stopped before the couple with tears springing into the corners of her eyes. She couldn't believe that after all this time, fate had brought her friend back into her life.

"Fuu, I am so glad to see you again." Jin said in his monotone voice. Fuu responded by jumping into his arms, hugging his neck tightly. After a few seconds, Jin patted her back. Fuu could feel the tears falling down her cheeks and the awkward stares from the townspeople, but she didn't care.

She stepped back and turned her gaze to Shino. "I'm sorry, I don't know if you remember me but..."

Shino held her hands out to Fuu and gently embraced her saying, "It's so good to see you again Fuu."

Fuu returned the hug. She instantly started bombarding the couple with questions. When had they reunited? Were they merely traveling through the town or did they live nearby? Had they gotten married? Jin explained that when the three years was over he returned for Shino and they married shortly after. Jin being the honorable man he was, wanted to make an honest woman out of Shino. They had settled into a nearby town, they had a modest home and Jin was working as a bodyguard. Everything had fallen in place for them it seemed.

They decided to have lunch together and catch up before Jin and Shino had to return home. Fuu explained the travels she had been on since splitting from the trio. She told them how she had settled in the town and had taken a liking to the place. She even shyly mentioned a few dates she had been on, nothing serious though.

It was coming towards the end of their conversation that Fuu summoned the courage to ask the question that had been on her mind since she saw Jin, "So Jin...have you seen Mugen lately?"

Jin gave a quick smile, "I'm sorry, but I have not seen Mugen since we parted ways." Fuu gave a disheartened look, so Jin added, "But you know how he is, I would not be surprised if our paths crossed in the future." There was a hopeful glint in Fuu's eyes which warmed Jin's heart.

He remembered how Fuu and Mugen had constantly battled and bickered, usually coming close to blows on a daily basis. He also noticed the way Fuu became jealous when Mugen paid attention to other women or left for a brothel. Or how Mugen would give a quick stare to Fuu when she wasn't looking. He came to care deeply for both his friends, after all they were the first true friends he ever had, and he was happy to think that there might be a future for them. He only wished they both weren't so stubborn and would put their pride aside to admit their true feelings for one another. Once they parted ways, Jin had hoped they would finally come to terms with their emotions and eventually "bump" into the other and start a new life.

It was time for Jin and Shino to leave, but they promised to get together once a week at the same restaurant to keep in touch. Shino also invited Fuu to come see their new home when she had the chance. Jin had spoken well of Fuu to Shino and she wanted to get to know the girl who had a special place in Jin's heart. She knew there was nothing between them, sh understood that Jin had always seen Fuu more as a younger sister than as a potential partner.

Fuu was sad to see her friend go, but it made her glad to know he was close by. She was anxious to take them up on their offer to visit their home, and she had a feeling that her and Shino would get along well. Jin had always been the parental figure she never had and it was good to have him back in her life. She was glad to see him so content and in love. But it got her wondering about her own love life. She decided to see Keiko before going home. She was excited to tell her about meeting up with Jin.

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