Jin's Surprise

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Fuu asked around until she found Jin's home. It was set aside from the town on a rolling hill. It had beautiful cherry trees surrounding the home and Fuu inhaled deeply. The home was well kept and she was glad Jin had a comfortable home for him and his new wife. Mugen was surprised Jin had settled in such a nice home. 'Who did he kill for this?', he thought.

As they walked up to the door, Shino came outside to greet them. Fuu ran up to her and gave her a hug. Over the past few months they had gotten close and Fuu was starting to see her as an older sister. "I'm so glad you were able to make it Fuu." Shino glanced over to Mugen and asked, "Who might your friend be?"

Fuu was about to answer when Jin came from the side of the house with a slight grin on his lips, "Mugen."

"Never thought I'd see your ugly mug again." Mugen grumbled. Jin simply nodded. Fuu ran over to Jin and gave him a hug which he returned with a pat on the back. Mugen felt himself growing slightly jealous watching her embrace another man. Then he realized what he was saying and told his mind to shut the hell up.

"Please come in and have some tea. You should rest after your walk." Shino motioned for everyone to come inside. Jin motioned with his hand to enter, but gave Fuu a slight raise of an eyebrow. She knew he was wondering where Mugen came from. She slightly blushed and walked past him.

'Hmmm..." Jin thought when he noticed the pink that crept into Fuu's cheeks and he thought to himself what an odd turn of events.

Once inside, Shino served tea and lunch. Jin sat next to Shino, while Mugen and Fuu sat next to each other on the opposite end. Immediately Mugen and Fuu started stuffing their faces with food. Jin shook his head realizing not much had changed.

Jin interrupted their assault on the food by clearing his throat. Fuu blushed when she saw the shocked looked on Shino's face. Jin had told Shino about his companions eating habits, but this was the first time she was able to see them together going at full force. Fuu smiled sheepishly and elbowed Mugen in the side to get him to relax.

"Oi bitch, what's your problem?" Mugen spited out.

"Have some manners baka." She gave him a death glare and nodded towards Shino.

Mugen looked up at Shino who had her mouth gaping open and turned back to Fuu, "I don't need no broad to tell me what to do, I do what I wanna do, got it?!".

Fuu was getting frustrated, how could he mess up their reunion, "You think you're some big, tough man don't you? Well let me tell you something..."

Fuu was getting to tell him off when Shino interrupted, "Don't worry, it's okay. That's what the food is..."

She didn't get a chance before Mugen and Fuu were pointing fingers in the other's face and screaming 'baka!'. They started to try to choke one another and ended up rolling on the floor...again.

Shino turned in horror to Jin, but he simply shook his head and said, "It seems that nothing has changed. Do not worry, they will wear out soon." Shino nodded. Jin had told her how Mugen and Fuu had fought constantly, she could only now appreciate the true extent of Jin's patience and the amount of care he must feel for his companions to have dealt with this on an everyday basis. It made her smile to again see what a magnificent man she had married, she quietly took his hand and squeezed.

Fuu ended the fight by slamming her show on Mugen's head. They sat back at the table and continued the meal as if nothing happened. Fuu knew it was time to explain Mugen's presence, "So Jin, you must be wondering where Mugen came from."

Jin responded, "Hmmm..."

Fuu went into a quick version of how they bumped into one another and left out what had happened the previous night at her house. Jin stayed silent for most of the conversation as he usually did, but Shino and Fuu carried the on well. Shino asked Mugen about what had happened to him after the trip had separated. He quickly told her his exploits that included killing, drinking, and sleeping with whores.

Mugen was curious about one thing, "How did ya manage to get this place anyways?"

"I work for the local magistrate as his personal bodyguard. He wanted to make sure I was content with the position so he offered this home." Jin answered.

"I'm so happy for you guys! This is a perfect place to raise a family." Fuu squealed with delight. Mugen rolled his eyes, he thought four eyes was an idiot to settle down. But he found himself feeling a twinge of jealousy. Jin seemed genuinely happy and he shared his home with a beautiful woman who cooked delicious food. Soon they would have kids. Mugen pondered what it would be like to have a family, he had never had one before. It would be nice to have a woman waiting for you. He pictured Fuu serving him dinner and he quickly shook the image from his head. Had he lost his mind! He couldn't stand that brat.

"Thank you Fuu. We are very happy with our circumstances and now that we are finally settled we were thinking.." She stopped to get the okay from Jin to continnue, he nodded his approval. "We were thinking it was time to start a family."

Fuu jumped up and down clapping her hands. She gave them both quick hugs and she conspired with Shino about possible baby names and nursery ideas. Shino started blushing and looked over at Jin with love in her eyes. Jin smiled down at her and motioned for Mugen to follow him outside.

Jin was very content with life. He was ready to start a family with his beloved, but he wanted the same thing for his friends. He had notices a twinkle in Mugen's eye when he dashed quick looks to Fuu when she had been talking. He noticed Fuu playfully swatting Mugen in the arm when he had something crude. He wondered when they would finally admit their feelings.

"So no more fun for you huh?" Mugen smirked.

"There comes a point in everyone's life when you settle down." Jin responded.

"Not me, I'm not into that shit." Despite Mugen's words, Jin could see a hint of sadness in his eyes. He knew that Mugen never had a family, he was certain the closet things Mugen had to family was Fuu and himself. He wondered if they're separation had forced Mugen to comprehend his feelings for Fuu.

"I take it you're staying with Fuu."

"What's it to ya?" Mugen didn't like Jin asking about that. He knew that Fuu had a close relationship with Jin and he felt he didn't have to prove anything to this guy.

"It was just a question." He could see that Mugen was feeling cornered. "Fuu has certainly changed in these past few years."

Mugen didn't want to admit that out loud, "she's still a whiny brat."

Jin did not want to tell Mugen and Fuu how to run their lives, but he did feel a brotherly protection over her. That feeling compelled him to say, "She is a young woman now, please show her the respect she deserves, in all facets."

"Huh?" Mugen was confused. What the hell was this guy talking about? Jin responded by walking back into the home.

The rest of the afternoon went on peacefully, broken only by the periodic outbursts of Mugen and Fuu fighting. Shino could see what led her husband to infer that Mugen and Fuu had been fighting against the truth. She too hoped they would be able to work on their relationship, she thought they would make a cute couple. She saw behind their fights a playfulness, they reminded her of young children being care-free. She also thought they balanced one another out well. They seemed like complete opposites, but opposites do attract.

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