Starting New

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Fuu slowly opened her eyes and felt a dull thud in her head. It hurt to move her face, well it hurt all over. She remembered what had transpired the night before and scanned the room for Mugen. He was gently snoring, sleeping against the wall next to her. She started to sit up when she felt a sharp pain. She cried out unintentionally. Mugen woke up with a start kneeling next to Fuu checking to see if she was okay.

She grimaced, "I'm fine, just sore, don't worry." She tried getting up again and yelled out again in pain.

He grabbed her around the waist and helped her to sit up, "Stop being such a jackass and let me help you before you hurt yourself more."

She tried smacking his arm, "I don't need help from you baka."

"Good, I don't wanna have to help you baka." He backed away and watched her with a grin on his face.

Fuu realized that was not a good move. Getting up was causing spasms of pain to run up and down her body. She let out a sigh of defeat and whispered, "Could you help me please?"

Mugen pretended not to hear and said, "Please speak up, I can't hear you."


"I didn't get that, what do you want?"he said as he continued smirking.

"COULD YOU HELP ME ALREADY!" she yelled out.

"Geeze, you don't have to go yelling about it." He grabbed her hands and helped to pull her up.

"Baka" she muttered under her breath. It was then that she saw her reflection and the bad shape she was really in. Her cheeks were puffed out and she had marks all over her body. Not to mention the dirt and grim all over her. Her wrists were rubbed raw from the ropes and her ankles were the same. Her mouth slowly opened in shock and she could feel tears start to form in her eyes. How could they have done this her?

Mugen saw the distressed looked in her eyes as she took in her condition. He felt guilt slowly creeping into his mind. "I would say it's an improvement." He said with a chuckle.

Fuu was ready to throw her shoe at him when she turned and saw the playful look in his eye, he was only trying to lift her spirits. She merely punched his arm as she walked past and muttered, "Jerk."

She tried to pick up her towel and bath supplies when she felt sharp pains in her right shoulder. These were different than the soreness, they had a hard bite and it left her out of breath. Mugen ran up behind her and stopped her. "I'm only going to take a look." he said. He felt around her shoulder and knew something was wrong, "It feels like your shoulder has been sprained. You shouldn't use it for a while or else it won't heal properly."

"How am I going to get to the bath?" Fuu asked irritated.

"Well if you beg nicely I might think about helping you."

Fuu glared at his stupid grin, but what choice did she have. "That's fine, I'll do it myself, I would rather be in unbearable pain than beg you for anything!" She bent to pick up her supplies only to gasp in pain.

"Could you stop being sucha stubborn bitch and ask for help?" Mugen spat at her.

"Fine, you can help me, but don't start acting like I owe you a huge favor or anything." Mugen held his hands up innocently. She started limping to the bath house with Mugen following her. He furrowed his brows watching her struggle to walk straight, he didn't like seeing her in pain.

Bath Time

The bath house was empty, which made Fuu grateful. She didn't want anyone to see her in her current condition. She turned around to grab her things when Mugen pulled them out of her reach. Fuu huffed in annoyance, "Could you just leave them by the side of the tub and leave?"

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