Market Mayhem

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Fuu woke up early to get ready for Jin and Shino's visit. She didn't want to wake Mugen, he had worked himself to exhaustion last night. After they talked, Mugen had taken her to the bedroom and ravaged her body. He was an animal and used every last ounce of energy on their love making. They hadn't isolated their activities to the bedroom either. Mugen had made sure they used every available space in the house. Fuu, being a novice, had never realized a table could be used for more than just eating off of. She had always thought Mugen was not a very imaginative person, but he proved her wrong. He had opened up a whole new world to her. She was excited for the future and what else they could try together. She scrunched her face wondering what else they could do that they hadn't already done. The thought made her laugh.

She was humming a tune while she cleaned up the house. It was a wreck, they had made a huge mess the night before. Her table had been overturned even though there were plates and cups on it. The broken pieces were scattered over the floor. Their clothes were left in piles across the floor. Any furniture that had been in Mugen's way he merely threw across the room. She was surprised he hadn't done the same with her. As she picked up the pieces of a broken cup she discerned that along with Mugen came the unexpected. Her life would never be boring or dull. She hadn't been satisfied before Mugen came with the humdrum routine her life had become. Destiny had brought them together for a reason, they both thrived on adventure.

Fuu noticed she didn't have any food left, so thought it was easiest to leave before Mugen woke up. From the way he was sleeping, she would get back before he even noticed she was missing. She quietly tiptoed in the room to grab her kimono and headed out the door. It was sunny outside with wisps of white clouds floating by. She had never felt so content with life. She got to town and still had a smile plastered on her face.

She started that thinking that Mugen and her could easily end up like Jin and shino. They could get married and Mugen could work as a hired sword, she knew he enjoyed that kind of work. She was mapping out their future together when she bumped into someone and fell. The person quickly apologized and helped her to her feet. She was dusting off her kimono when she noticed it was Haru, "I'm so sorry Ms. Fuu! I hope you're not hurt."

Fuu shook her head, "Haru I should be sorry! I was preoccupied and wasn't even looking where I was going. But I am glad it was you I bumped into and not a complete stranger."

Haru gave a smile, "You are too kind. Are you heading into work today? I could accompany you."

"Oh no, I was just on my way to the market. I have to pick up some food for company. I don't want to hold you up any longer than I have." Fuu gave a small bow.

"I was in hurry, please allow me to accompany you to the market. I wouldn't want you carrying everything by yourself, it is quiet a walk to your home." He gestured with his hand towards the market.

"I could not impose on you..."

Haru interrupted her and held up his hand, "It is no intrusion. Keiko would be furious with me if I did not assist you. You are practically her sister."

Fuu sighed in resignation, "Thank you."

They continued walking when Haru asked, "Might I inquire about the gentleman you told me about last time we spoke. Keiko said she had the pleasure of meeting him."

Fuu was slightly embarrassed, Mugen had been so rude with Keiko she was afraid of what Keiko had related to Haru. "He is fine, thanks for asking. I have to apologize though, he was abrupt when he met Keiko."

Haru seemed confused, "I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I understand."

"Oh, uh it's nothing." She wanted to change the subject, "I am going to be entertaining friends today."

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