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Fuu slept in the next morning and had to head out the door in the morning. She was exhausted from the previous night. Once again they had spent the entire night fooling around. She had learned some new tricks. She had always know that Mugen had a weakness and she now had the key. She knew how to bring that man to his knees and she would continue to use it. Watching him become putty in her hands was intoxicating. She had always thought that was disgusting, but was starting to see the thrill. Afterwards he had been true to his word and returned the favor. He still shocked and amazed her, to think she went this long without experiencing this kind of ecstasy.

After she left, Mugen fell back asleep and snoozed the morning away. He finally stumbled onto his feet and headed to the bath house. He needed a good scrub and soak. He thought about last night. He couldn't believe that was Fuu's first try, she was like a pro. Or maybe it was because of how he felt towards her. He remembered having women giving him a spectacular show, but they were nothing compared to Fuu. Her innocent doe eyes and beautiful pouty lips made him shiver. He got into the water and his mind went blank from relaxation.

Jin had reported to Takeshi early in the morning. Shino and him had gotten home late, but that didn't dampen their night together. The manor was bustling with activity. He had a sinking feeling in his stomach that bad news would greet him. And as soon as he arrived at the gate he knew his suspicions were correct. The guard told him he was to report immediately to Takshi's office. Jin walked swiftly towards his destination.

Takeshi was speaking with one of his advisors when Jin stepped in. Since they were so close, there was no need for formalities. This was Takeshi's desire and not Jin's. Takeshi cleared his throat and motioned for Jin to sit besides him.

The advisor continued, "We did not realize with what swiftness they would travel."

Takeshi seemed concerned, "How much time do we have?"

The advisor said reluctantly, "Tomorrow morning at the latest."

Taksehi grew angry, "How is that even possible?! Its at least a three day journey."

"They are traveling on horseback and travel at night as well as the day."

Takeshi grew silent in throught, he waved the man away. Jin knew the group of men they were speaking of. He thought they had more time. Takeshi interrupted his thoughts, "You already know what Noboru was speaking of, so I'll save that part of the story."

Jin thought there was something wrong, "Excuse my doubts, but the time does not add up. How could he have heard word so soon?"

Takeshi had not wanted to say anything concerning that. He had taken it upon himself to make the hard choice so that Jin's conscience would feel more at ease. "The day Mugen first came to speak with us I had sent out my fastest riders to execute the plan. As far as my knowledge, he heard the next day about the young lady's whereabouts."

Jin's eyes widened, they had not decided until the the next day what had to be done. "I see you made that call preemptively."

Takeshi spread his palms out, "I am sorry Jin, but I knew time was imperative. This was the only option available. There was no more time to wait for Mugen to understand. You know you would have the done the same thing in my position."

Jin replied, "You may be correct, but I am trying to gain Mugen's trust for you. He is not a reasonable man, if this comes out there is no telling what he might do. It is best if the topic is laid to rest for good."

Takeshi nodded in agreement, "I will send for Yoshirou to escort the women as planned. Jin you know that I would never let any harm befall Shino."

Jin knew Takeshi had made a decision he had purposefully turned away from, "You do not owe me an explanation, I am not accusing you. You are justified in your decision, I should have done it sooner. If anything I owe you my gratitude." Jin appreciated that he could be so frank and open with the older man.

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