In The Light Of Morning

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Fuu was woken by the sunlight filtering through her curtains. Momo was curled in her sheets, softly snoring. She petted him lightly and stretched out when she froze. What had happened last night came rushing back to her and she wondered if Mugen had ever come back. She looked down the hall to see the guest bedroom door closed. She tiptoed to the door and pressed her ear against it. She couldn't hear anything. She decided to open it just a crack. She peeked, but remembered the futon was to the left of the door, and unless she stepped inside she couldn't get a look. She carefully slid it open and quietly stepped inside to find Mugen sprawled out on the futon, sheets tangled in his legs and arms falling over both sides. As usual he was lying on his back and lightly snoring. She watched his chest rise and fall with each breath and noticed his well defined abs and strong chest. His face looked peaceful and almost child like, it made her smile.

She quietly went to the kitchen to get breakfast ready when she suddenly remembered what day it was. She was planning to meet Jin and Shino at their new home. Of all the days to bump into Mugen. What if he started making fun of her for what happened last night in front of Jin? Or worse, what would Jin do if he knew Mugen spent the night? She thought maybe she could slip out before Mugen woke up. That way she could break the ice to Jin and then they could all meet for dinner later. That was a perfect plan. She went to her room to put on her kimono and obi.

She was about to walk out of her room, when she looked up to Mugen standing there. She yelped and jumped back taken by surprise. He gave a soft chuckled, "So what's for breakfast, I'm starving."

"Uhhh, I'll get you a bowl." Fuu plan's had been ruined. She would have to take Mugen with her and hope that what happened last night stayed a secret. For whatever reason, Jin's whereabouts never came up in their conversation the previous night. She had wanted to tell Mugen about bumping into him and Shino a few months back, but every time she was about to start he would hassle her about something and she would start arguing with him getting off topic.

Now was as good a time as any, "So, have you seen Jin lately?" Mugen shook his head and continued to dive into his food. "You know I bumped into him and Shino a few months ago." Mugen looked up from his bowl for a brief moment with a quizzical look on his face. "Shino, remember the woman at the temple sanctuary?"

"Oh yea, the chick from the brothel he banged."

"Well, he returned to get her and they got married."

Mugen stopped chewing for a moment, "Didn't know ol four-eyes had it in him."

"Fuu continued, "Well I bumped into them and found out they don't live to far from here, the next town over actually. I was planning to visit them today. You don't have to come if you don't want to, but I'm sure Jin will be happy to see you again."

'Does she not wanna take me with or something?' Mugen thought. He decided to not care what she wanted and said, "Got nothin better to do."

Fuu took that as a yes and told him they would leave as soon as breakfast was cleaned. She washed out the bowls and walked out the door with Mugen behind her. He clasped his hands behind his head and tilted his head to the sky, basking in the warmth of the sun. They walked in silence. Both were thinking about the previous night, but neither wanted to be the one to bring up the subject. Mugen was regretting getting so close to Fuu. This klutz wasn't his type, the best thing was to forget it ever happened and leave as soon as he could.

Fuu wasn't sure how she felt about everything. She had liked being so close to Mugen, but there was no possible way they could ever be more than they were, it was Mugen for god sake's! He was a criminal and didn't care about anyone. She decided it was best to forget the whole thing. She tried to wipe the concern from her face, knowing that Jin would catch onto something.

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