Chapter 3

43 5 1

May 21st
The ceiling fan spins around as I try to focus on just one panel. I also need to focus on my shitty life, but that can wait.

A knock at the door messed me up for like the thousandth time. I don't answer it. I fiddle with my thumbs until the next set of knocks come, followed by the doorbell being furiously rung. The thuds turn into loud slams of the fist.

What if it's Jess? I can't leave her out in the cold. I jump off the couch, quickly walking to the door while my heart sprints in my chest. My hand shakes as I turn the knob and pull the front door open.

My heart drops when I see it's just Louis. "Hey mate," he chirps, walking past me. I gloomily close the door and follow him into the living room. "I got some popcorn and this movie," he announces, holding up The Incredibles.

"Oh," I say, plopping on the couch. He walks into the kitchen. I hear the microwave. I guess he is making the popcorn. I stand up and put the disc in the player. It instantly starts as I hop back onto the couch. Louis comes back with the popcorn in a bowl and places it in front of us. He already has a mouth full of popcorn as the movie finally starts.

"Want some," he asks, putting the bowl up to my face. The smell of melted butter fills my nose, but I decline his offer. He frowns and places it in his lap. My stomach is aching and that crap would just destroy it. Louis looks like he wants to say something, but he keeps quiet.

"How do you do it?" I ask him, causing him to bring his attention to me. Do I really want to get into this conversation? I hate talking about anything serious, but how do they all stay so calm. Do they even care? Are they happy it wasn't them being kidnapped?

"Do what?" Louis questions me.

I shake my head, "never mind." I place my hands in my lap and focus on the screen. I'm insane. Of course the boys care, they were close to her, too. I just miss her so much. I miss her laugh, her smile, her voice. Everything.

"I try not to think about it too much, but when I do, I think positively. I think you're forgetting how strong she is. And right now, I think she would want you to be happy with your life," Louis tells me, breaking the silence. Of course Louis knew what I was talking about. I should've just kept my mouth shut. The words just fell out. They've been pushing on my lips for the past year. It seems like yesterday when she was taken again.

I nod my head, but don't say anything. Thinking positive is impossible, though. I don't pay attention to the movie at all. I just think of nothing. Atleast I try to.

At some some point I actually try to enjoy the movie, but I've seen this one about a thousand times so it kind of takes the enjoyment away from it.

I yawn and look over at Louis. He is fast asleep on the couch. I wish I could fall asleep as fast as him.

I turn off the TV and put the empty bowl of popcorn in the sink. I bring an extra pillow and blanket into the living room and prop Louis' head on the pillow before laying the blanket onto him.

Once I'm sure he's asleep, I grab some money and slip on some flip flops. Zayn gets high when he is stressed. Maybe that will help me.

I pull a sweatshirt over my head and exit my flat. My thoughts become clouded with Jessica.

What if she did get out, but didn't want to come back? She always apologized on how she brought me into her fucked up life.

I pull the hood over my head and walk down the block. It's peaceful outside, but there's a racket in my head.

The thing Mr.Smith wanted to do the most was torture her. I want to believe she isn't hurting so bad, but there's no possible way you can be kidnapped for a year and a half and stay untouched. Oh god, has he touched her? I should be the only one allowed to touch her, not her messed up father.

My throat clenched and my mind becomes uneasy with disturbing flashes of what they might be doing to her. I increased my speed, trying to focus on the sidewalk ahead of me.

I see the lights of the bar a few blocks away, but something catches my eye. A few blocks over, I see two dark figures leaning against one of the brick walls of an apartment building. I slowly walk by, taking quick glimpses. One of them walks away after a few seconds, stuffing something in his pocket.

Before I know it, my feet are taking me across the street, right towards the man. She's already in my mind and all the hurt just takes over.

"What do you have?" The words just flow out. I couldn't have said it, but the reality is I did. Zayn's words repeat in my head. One puff relieves my stress. Makes me forget for a little.

My feet won't turn around or keep moving, they stay planted on the cement.

"Woah man, slow down-"

"I'm not a fucking cop okay. What do you have and how much," I spit out. My subconscious is punching me in the stomach, but I stay, waiting for an answer.

His hand shifts in his pocket,"just some Mary Jane." I take $20 out of my pocket as he slowly takes a small plastic bag out. My heart is doing jumping jacks in my chest. The plastic bag is in my hand and just like that I walk away. I can't stop the smile that forms on my face as a roll the bag around in my palm. This is suppose to make me happy right? I want to be happy. I haven't been happy in so long. I want to forget.

I stop by a near drug store and buy a lighter. There's only two other people, a girl and man in the women's hygiene section. They are probably together. A couple. Like Jessica and I.

No Niall, stop thinking about her.

I walk out of there quickly, not drawing too much attention to myself.

I take a seat on a deserted bench, taking the small pack out of my pocket. On my lap, I spread the pot onto the paper that was also in the small package. My hands are shaky, but I continue the process. I slowly place the blunt onto my lips, as a tear threatens to slip. I light it and take a huge puff, my mind turning into fluff. Images of Jessica turn into fuzz until they disintegrate. A small grin forms on my face as my brain fries. I guess I found my new medicine.

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