Chapter 20

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***I'm not really sure how many chapters will be in this book****
-June 6-
Everyday the doctor usually comes in around like 9ish, so I woke up at like 8:45 and looked on my phone for a bit. If I'm sleeping they usually don't bother me until I wake up. Since I was awake they'd probably come in. Niall and my father were lying on their beds looking up at the ceiling. They were awake, but I don't think they've looked at me or knew I was up. I texted Niall causing him to look at me. He gave me a wide smile showing his teeth. I returned it looking back at my phone. He sat up on the small mattress. My dad looked over at him
and then at me, we made eye contact. There was a soft knock on the door, my dad put on a shirt and got up to answer the door. In stepped the doctor, all suited up. Probably not because of me, but for another patient.

"Can you guys leave for a minute," he asks them which I found a bit odd. They stood up with questioning looks on their faces, but obeyed and walked out. He closed the door behind them.

"Good morning Jessica, how are you feeling," he asked in a soft voice.

"I'm feeling pretty good," I responded.

He wouldn't meet my gaze, "okay, so we'll start with the regular routine," he said.

He acted like he wasn't sure of what he was doing which confused me.

He grabbed the arm cuff thingy and put it around my arm. He squeezed the small ball until it was full and let it slowly deflate. He checked something off on his clipboard and gave me a smile. Okay now lift your arms up he placed his hands on my sides squeezing a bit. Okay so for this next one just look into the light when I shine it into your eyes. I nodded my head looking at the light, he finally met my gaze making my heart drop. My face started heating up. I met his pitch black eyes. How could he possibly be here. I started to scream, but he quickly covered my mouth.

"Jessica, just let me talk and I'll be on my way, okay," he says, I try to rip his hand off of my mouth, but it stays planted.

"Okay talk," I say my heart beating rapidly.

My hand was on the help button, I don't know what was stopping me from pressing it.

"Okay," he says taking a seat next to the bed.

I waited for him to start talking.

"Okay, well I want you to know I'm only trying to help you, I don't hate you. We have a weird relationship."


"Jessica, please listen to me," he begs looking sad.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't press this button right now," I say my hands shaking.

"Because we need to talk."

"I don't want to talk, I want you to leave right now," I stay sternly.

"Oh Jessica, you'd be surprised what a little bit of air in the bloodstream could do," once those words left his mouth I pressed the button and started screaming.

I could hear banging from outside the door, this is just great. I wanted to hear what he was going to say, but it was just a load of bullshit as usual. The doorknob now furiously jiggled. Mr.Smith still held the syringe in his hand looking amusedly at me. He started to chuckle which scared me even more.

"Jessica, this is where it ends, it's been a pleasure," he says driving the syringe towards my arm, but thankfully missing.

I jumped out of the bed grabbing my phone. He slapped my arm down sending my phone across the room. I ran for it.

"Hey Siri," I screamed.

"Yes, Jessica," she called back.

"I'm in danger," I cried loudly.

The door was finally opened. I tried to run to them, but something or someone stood in the way of that.

A gun was pointed at them. I looked around the room for something that could help me. I feel like I could pass out right now. I thought everything was going okay for once, but I guess not.

"Please stop," I beg tears streaming down my face, I know nothing I say will stop him, but I'll take my chances. This is all just too much. Niall was trying to find a way to get to me without getting shot. My father whispered something to him and he nodded his head firmly.

"Why do you even care about her, she's not your daughter," Mr.Smith asked him.

"I raised her, and then you came and screwed it all up," my father shouts. This situation is just making me so fucking angry. I should have pressed the button earlier. Where the hell are the police. My heart is beating so fast right now. I see a man talking with them and they disappear from sight. Another man appears with a gun in his hand.

"Christopher, the hospital is surrounded, just surrender and no harm will come to you," the man spoke calmly.

"Oh what, so I can rot in jail, why the fuck would I do that," he said angrily.

"Cuz' you don't want to die," I said strongly, surprised with my confidence. He could turn around and shoot me any second.

"The devil can not die sweetheart," he said confidently. The devil my ass.

I spotted detective Ken behind him. He took a few steps forward.

"Chris we are just going in circles, the same thing happens every time. Just face the fact that it's over," he tells him confidently.

Mr.Smith put the barrel of the gun to his head.

Kenneth lunges toward him knocking the gun to the ground. He flipped him around grabbing handcuffs from his waistband and securing them around his wrists. A part of me wishes he didn't stop him, but I honestly don't want to see anymore people die. He was just doing his job. I leaned against the wall putting my head in my hands, We're safe for now. I'm trying to think positive thoughts, it's over. Niall walks over to me. He brings me into his chest, combing his hands through my hair.

"It's alright, we're alright. Don't worry. Everything will be okay," he says softly.

I wipe away the remaing tears and take his hand in mine as we walk out of the room.

They grab Mr.Smith and take him out of the room. He doesn't fight as much as I thought he would. He smirks at me before leaving and I know this isn't the end, it will never be over.

"Jessica, don't you worry, we'll keep him locked up good," Kenneth tells me, making me feel a little bit better.

"I don't want to be scared anymore," I say frowning.

"You won't, I promise you that."

"Thank you," I say.

"Just doing my job," he says humbly.

We head to the lobby trying to clear our minds.

Holy fuck.

***it's almost summer yeee!! Updated 5.12.17

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