Chapter 16

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****heyo I'm so done with school***
-June 3-
The next morning I woke up to a large bang, it scared the shit out of me, but I soon calmed down. I didn't think too much of it. I went back to sleep soon after. The room felt like it was getting colder. I always liked my room cold, but I always had more than one blanket. Why can't they just keep it at a comfortable temperature. I was waiting for the door to open, I don't know exactly what time it opened at because there was no clock in the room. I actually have no idea what day it is. Being in here just makes you lose track of everything. Like a window or anything would be helpful, I'm just guessing it's morning. I'm trusting my body with this, I hope it's right. Like it could be 3 in the morning for all I know. I wonder if Mr.Smith will be paying a visit to me, he probably will, he has everyday so far. I hope I'm not here very long. I mean I was once here for over a year, I hope that won't be the case this time. This place just causes pain and depression.

Mr.Smith has been being nice to me which makes me super skeptical. He's definitely plotting to kill me, there's no possible good intentions. I get up from the bed, maybe there's something I missed in this room something that could help me. I start from the far corner and make my way around the room, I inspect every inch, but there's absolutely nothing. My hope decreases every second I'm stuck in this room.

Something is slid under the door I quickly get up to see what it is. It's a notepad and the top of it has a question on it, what would you like to eat for breakfast? It reads. Some freedom with a side of leave me the fuck alone, I write on the pad. On the back of it I write French toast because he probably won't leave me alone. I slide the notepad back under the door. I walk back over to the mattress.

My last meal it all makes sense, he's going to murder me. And God knows what he will do with my dead body. I need to escape today, but there's only a locked door. I need to get them to open it and then I have to sneak out.
I will not die in here, I am surviving and living out my life. I have too much to live for. Dying in here is not an option. I grab the blanket when they open the door I'll throw it at them and run out of the room. I hope I can pull this off. If I can't this just might be my funeral.

I stand by the door waiting. Soon the door opens, I throw the blanket towards the person it lands on them I then try to run past them, but sadly they grab me. Fuck, this is not good. I'm so done for.

"I was bringing you your food that wasn't very nice."

"Well, if you couldn't tell I don't want to be here," I say, being pushed back into the room. "So where's my freedom, you said you brought my food, where is it."

He hands me a plate of French toast and a cup of coffee. I go back over to the bed. This isn't what I wanted.

I put my fork in one piece. I bring it to my lips it smells very good. I place it into my mouth and chew slowly, it was actually pretty good. I really don't know if I should be eating it, he may have put something in it to make me super weak. So that when he tries to kill me I can't fight back. I'm so screwed.

I might be overthinking this. But everything makes sense, maybe this is what my life was supposed to come to, maybe God wanted my life to end like this, maybe this is how Jessica was supposed to end. What do I have to live for anyway, my life is shit. If I die I won't experience anymore pain.

I just don't want to hurt anyone, though. I'd feel selfish if I died here. I soon finished the plate and my coffee. I didn't feel drowsy, so that's a good sign, but it might take some time to kick in. I lay on the bed staring at the ceiling. Hoping for the best.

I just than realize I could use the fork as a weapon, I get up from the bed and walk over to the empty plate. I wipe the fork clean, and bring it back over with me to the bed. I go back over to my current position. The door opens, startling me. I look up to see who has stepped into the room. Mr.Smith stands there, what a great surprise. I clench the fork with my hand ready to use it. He walks over to me.

"Did you enjoy your food?"

"Yeah, it was alright," I respond.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," he says coming closer.

I'm ready to use the fork. He starts to get on the bed.

"Just let me do what I'm going to do, if you fight I will murder you right here, right now.

He gets on top of me and starts feeling my body, I'm super uncomfortable. But I don't want him to kill me. So I suck it up. If I'm going to stab him with the fork I need to time it perfectly. Everything needs to be perfect, it's a great gamble no doubt about that. This could all go right, or horribly wrong. If I fail, I could be killed. Just then the door slammed open.

"Get off my daughter," a voice boomed into the room. Mr.Smith scurried off of me. In the doorway stood my father.

"Your daughter," Mr.Smith asked in a mocking tone.

"Yes, my daughter," my dad confirmed standing up taller. I jumped off the bed and sprinted over to him.

"Dad, thank you so much," I cried into his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me, making me feel safe.

"Let's go," he said leading me out of the room.

"How did you find me," I questioned, my body trembling.

"I have my ways."

He led me through the halls, but it's not that easy of course. Mr.Smith emerges with a gun. My dad whips out one of his own.

"Let us go or I'll murder you right now."

Mr.Smith held his ground, my father had the gun ready. But more soon more surrounded us. My dad took me down another hallway. I tried my best to keep up with him. His arm was secured around me the whole time. I was hopeful we would get out.

"We have to get out," I said softly.

"We will baby, don't worry," he assured me. I felt better knowing he was so confident.

"Right down here," he said confidently.

We soon reached the end of the hallway there was a door.

"Are you ready," my dad asked.

"Yeah," I simply responded. He pushed the door open. It led to a dark hallway.

"We just have to go through here and we'll be out," he told me. We ran through the halls cautiously. I hope nothing stops our escape. Soon the hallway ended, and just as he promised there was an exit. Thank God that went smoother than I expected. Freedom felt so nice. I kissed my dad on the cheek and embraced him in a big hug.

"Anything for my babygirl," he said tears welling in his eyes. I cried along with him.

**I'm ready for break I have like a billion tests this week send help***

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