Chapter 14

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So I saw the new King Kong movie it's was really good
(Warning this chapter is a bit descriptive)
-June 1st-

He gave me a blanket so I slept better tonight, but not as good as I would like. I could never sleep too good here, I'm constantly stressing out. My nerves are all over the place. I just hope I can get out before any real pain is inflicted upon my person. Something bad will most likely happen. I hope my talk with him yesterday meant something to him. I hope I got to him. He might be able to empathize with me. He's probably going to do something to me to fuck me up even more. Why would he care what I think? I just hope I'm found. I always escape, but I never know if there might be a time I don't escape. I cannot live the rest of my days in this hellhole with this monster.

After a restless night, I wake up. I'm guessing it's morning. There's no windows so how would I know if the sun was up. I stay on the mattress, wrapping the blanket tightly around me. I lay on my side, facing the wall. I hear the door open, I don't react, maybe he'll go away. I don't expect him to leave because he never has left me alone. Yesterday he brought me to some food which wasn't bad, I have a bad feeling that's not why he is here today. He closes the door behind him and a clicking sound fills the room, so I'm guessing he locked the door. Oh this is just great. No escaping now, I'm screwed for sure. I hear his footsteps coming closer. I put the blanket over my head. The bed dips down indicating he has sat down. He rips the blanket off of me. I curl into a ball.

"You know who I haven't screwed with in awhile. Susan's living it up while you suffer. So I want you to decide what I do to her," he starts off.

"Just leave her alone, she's happily living with her family."

"But doesn't it piss you off how she has nothing to worry about, she's living her life happily. Your mom is dead. I'm your father and you're stuck here. Don't you just envy her."

"I'm happy for her, she's out of the situation. You did this to my life, so I blame you for all of this."

"But now is your chance to get even."

"I don't want to get even, I want to get out of here."

"How about we set her house on fire," he asks me.

"No no, I'll do anything just leave her alone."

"You're a good friend Jessica, I wish I had a friend like you when I was younger."

"Well somebody's getting hurt it's you or her."

"Give me your best shot," I'm physically and emotionally drained so I'm sure I can handle whatever he's planning to do to me.

He pushes me back on the bed. He undoes his belt. I know exactly where this is going.

"Please don't, I'll do anything, just not this," I shriek tears falling freely down my cheeks.

"I've already made up my mind, babe."

I try to push him off of me, but he overpowers me.

"Please don't do this," I beg. I know he won't listen to me. He tears my shirt and pants off and all my undergarments. He quickly rids of all his clothes. I try to knee him in the balls, but he blocks my shot. I try to wiggle away, but it's no use. This is going to happen and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.

"Do you consent," he screams at me.

"No, fuck you," I shout out, spitting in his face.

He balls his fist and smacks my face hard. My teeth stab into the side of my cheek, as a metallic taste fills my mouth. My mind wants me to spit it at him, it takes everything in me to fight the urge. I don't need my other cheek to be punched. It'll just cause more unnecessary pain. I mean this is already going to happen, I don't have to make it worse then it's going to be.

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