Bonus Chapter

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**Most of my authors notes r legit about how much school makes me want to die***

-December 20th-
I've had my grandchildren for 10 days, they are honestly great company. I wouldn't say we necessarily get along, because they're usually crying and trying to get away from me, but we are developing some sort of relationship.

Jessica was obviously freaking out, I had so much power over her because I knew she would do anything to get them back. Getting them was easier than I thought. Gotta love old ladies am I right? I decided I'd call her see how she's doing.

She picked up right away,"hey babe," I calmly said, waiting for her to blow up on me.

"Take me," she said her voice shaky.

"We have to meet up, just us," I told her, my thoughts running wild of what I could do once I have her.

"Just kill her, you've already had your fun with her, she's worthless," one of the voices said.

She's the reason I was stuck in the padded room for years, I was already insane and that just fucked me up some more, I should've slit her wrists vertically or killed her when I had her last time, but Pat came and screwed up my plans, she would've had no chance, but maybe the small human part of me stopped me. Maybe them moving me to the psych ward was the best thing that could've happened because in my time there, I felt something, I felt feelings, something I haven't experienced in so long. It felt good, but everyone was judging me for something I couldn't control. Something I was born with, something my parents were too preoccupied to fix. It only got worse as I got older, when I was younger it was easier to ignore and fight, but around 20, it became impossible to hide.

She has kids, could I really kill her, and take their mother away forever, they would never remember her.

I mean I did the same thing to her, but she's old enough to remember her. I'm not proud of my decisions, but I don't really have control of myself. I should've ended my life years ago. I was always hated by everyone, my siblings were always on a Pedestal. They were always the favorite and it was obvious.

"Where, I'll be there," she asked hopelessly.

"You know the small pond at the opening of Donadea Forest Park," I tell her, a small grin forming on my face.

"What time," she asked frantically. I have her right under my fingers, I could literally make her do anything.

"The sooner the better, am I right? How about you go there right now, I'll be watching, your kids are a lot of fun, did you know that? I like having them around. Lauren is so innocent, she likes to explore," I said, trying to piss her off some more.

"I'm heading there now, okay," she said hanging up.

I see she's made it, so I'll call to give her further instruction. She picks up right away.

"Enough with the games I just want my kids."

"It's not that easy," I snicker.

"A black van will be coming to pick you up, in a few minutes so just hang tight," I tell her.

"Fine," she huffs.

I see them enter the van, they should be arriving in around 20 minutes.

I hear them enter, and quickly walk over to greet them. Frowns occupy their lips.

"Nice to see you again, it's been awhile. Well not really, but we didn't really get to chat before did we," I say, grinning at them.

"Can I just have my kids back," she begs.

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