Chapter 5

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Hey guys I like writing but like no one reads my books or comments so It's not like a top priority if ur reading let me know and leave comments and stuff. I found out my lil bro hates the principal too.
-may 23rd
There has to be someway out of here. Hopefully I'll be found I've been in here forever. How does this even happen? Like no one's principal kidnaps them. I just hope I'm found soon. I can't stand this room anymore. I don't even have a tv he gives some books and I read them all. I'm bored out of my goddamn mind. The shit face is in the room next to me watching what sounds like the news, I wonder if I've been on the news, if I'm being looked for? If they still think about me, if they haven't moved on? I might just be a distant memory, a lost cause. Unimportant. I'm starting to believe I don't matter and the worst feeling is giving up on yourself, and accepting that you won't ever amount to anything, and you don't matter.

The silence in the room next to me, interrupted my thoughts, somethings usually happening, but it was silent, you could hear a pin drop. So I put my ear up to the door and listened for anything.

Then I heard a loud thud and some screaming, someone was definitely here.

I couldn't make out what was happening or anyone's words for that matter.

I was hopeful that someone found me, but I didn't want to get my hopes up if I was wrong. Events similar to this have happened before and I was deeply disappointed to discover that I would still be trapped here, but this time had to be different. I could hear glass being shattered, and things being thrown around. Someone had to be here to save me, was it the boys or Kenneth, I didn't know who, but it had to be one of them, right?

The fighting died down a little. I sat next to the door. A voice was coming closer to the door it sounded Irish, my heart jumped Niall.

"Help, I'm in here,"I yelled while banging on the door.

"Stand back," a voice commanded. I backed  away from the door. I saw an axe go through the door. I'm getting out today, I won't ever have to look at this room again or read those stupid books, or sleep on that stupid bed. My heart started to race. I sat down and hoped for the best until the door was completely broken down. I looked through the hole and saw many familiar faces. They helped me step through the broken door. I wrapped my arms around the blonde haired boy that I've been missing like crazy. He didn't forget about me.

"Can we please get out of here," Niall took my hand and led me to the door. We reached the door and I took one last look at my capturer and fled the house.

But of course it couldn't be that easy. Mr.Smith emerged with a gun. Harry slammed the door close, distancing ourselves from the gun. Niall brung me to the car, his arm wrapped tightly around me as if any second I could disappear again. I was safe, a smile found it's way onto my face for the first time in over a year. We hopped in the back.

Louis jumped in the driver's seat. Zayn smushed in the back with us while Harry sat in the front with Lou. Louis stepped on the gas and we sped down the road, the hellhole disappearing from our sight.

"How did you guys find me?"

"It's a very long story." Harry said.

"You can explain later," I said. I couldn't wait to get back home. Niall's arm is wrapped around me very tightly.

"I never want to leave you again," I say to Niall. Now knowing how it feels to be away from him. I never want to feel that again.

"Jessica, it was so painful waking up everyday and not having you beside me. It killed me knowing you were in trouble and I couldn't do anything about it. I'm just happy to have you now."

"Why can't he just leave me alone. Why can't I just have a normal dad," I asked to no one in particular, I just wanted the answer so badly, but deep down I knew it'll never be answered.

**hey guys I'm starting summer school the day after July fourth and I'm gonna shoot myself**

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