Chapter 6

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-may 25th-
It's spring now and I've been kidnapped since last winter. I can't wait to get back to my life. Hopefully Mr.Smith will leave us alone, although I'm not counting on it. I need to go back to college. I'm majoring in psychology. It's very interesting. I think I'm going to do schooling online. I can't keep getting kidnapped every time I go away to college. Niall is bringing me to the hospital, to make sure I'm okay. I'm pretty sure I'm fine, but you never know. I was knocked out half of the time. I'm just hoping for the best. I don't remember much. After running many tests. A nurse comes into our room.

"We have some results."

"Some tests have concluded you were sexually assaulted and have a few torn ligaments. We need to keep you here for the night to make sure you are fine, otherwise." The news given to me kills me. I start to cry again. I'd like to go one day without crying.

"Niall." I choke out. He comes over to me sitting on my bed. "I was raped by my own father," I cry out. My dad raped me. I feel disgusting and I just want to shower. I lost my virginity to my dad and I don't even remember it. It's so fucked up.

"Can you ask the nurse if it's possible for me to get a shower.

"Of course," he responds. "I'll be right back."
He leaves the room to find a nurse. I wait patiently. I feel so disgusting. When did my life turn to shit. My parents are dead, but my dad is actually alive, but I'd rather him dead. I hate my life. I just want to go back in time. I wish I never called Niall. I wish I never went down to the principal's office. I wish I never went to school that day. I wish I never called the police. I can wish all I want, but it won't change shit. I just hope that they get him soon. I'm so tired of this. Why can't they just keep him in jail. He's on the run right now. He could be coming to get me any day. I just want to live a normal life. My life is so far from normal. Niall comes back bringing me from my thoughts.

"They said they'd help you shower."

"Thank god, I feel disgusting," I say in relief. The Nurse comes in with a shower chair.

"Niall could you wait in the waiting room please," the nurse asks Niall, he nods his head before exiting the room.

"See you in a little, Jessica," he says giving me a kiss before leaving.

"Bye," I say, giving him a quick hug. The nurse helps me undress. I sit down in the chair. It is extremely uncomfortable.

They wrap me in towels. And bring me out of the room. In a little while we are in another bathroom with a bigger shower.

They turn the shower on to get it warm and then wheel me into it. I've been dying to shower and now it's finally happening.

I feel all the bad memories washing off of me, it feels so nice. I haven't realized, this is what I've been craving.

They start to wash me up. After that they wheel me out of the water and start to lather my hair with shampoo. I am soon put back under the water again. The shampoo soon rinses out of my hair. They take me out and then proceed to put conditioner in my dirty blonde cascades. Once my hair is smooth I'm placed under the water once again. Eventually the conditioner is all out.

The water is turned off. They wrap me up in towels again. I'm all covered and wheeled back into my room. I feel so clean and it's such a great feeling. They help me into my bed and continue to get me dressed. I feel the best I've felt in months. Once I'm dressed I snuggle into my covers as they call Niall back in. I wait patiently until he enters the room.

**so I reread the entire first book and it gave me the feels I was so proud of myself but there were so many grammar and spelling errors.***

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