Missing parts

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Lauren was blabbing to me about her school day. I wasn't paying attention until she mentioned she has a boyfriend now.

"Oh, really? What's his name," I asked in false amusement.

Her face lit up, mom he's so cute, and I love him so much! His name is Chris," she answered giggling.

"Oh, what a nice name," I said trying to hide my disgust. It's honestly probably one if not my least favorite name.

It's great seeing Lauren so happy, deep down I know they're just kids and I shouldn't worry. But I guess moms are suppose to worry.

"Hurt her, hurt your child."

I ran into my room and locked the door, I would never hurt my kid. There's something wrong with me, but I'm too scared to tell anyone. But as I sat on my bed the voices only got louder, I pulled my hair trying to stop them. This of course didn't work, though, I buried my head into my pillow as my sobs only grew louder. I didn't want Lauren to worry. And I knew Dylan would be coming home soon, and I couldn't worry them both. The last thing I want them to think is that something is wrong, even though something is definitely wrong. What would Niall think. He's known I've been acting strange these last few days. I don't think I can figure this out myself, so I might have to tell him.

"Don't be a fucking wimp, Jessica, do it."

"No fucking stop, I won't," I cried out trying to muffle my sobs into the pillow.

If I were to give in and hurt my kids, I would never forgive myself. I have to be strong and fight this.

There was a set of knocks at the door, "mommy," Lauren's sweet voice called.

I sat up and wiped my tears, I looked in the mirror while trying to calm myself. I prepared myself to go outside, I tried my best to make it look like I wasn't just crying my eyes out.

"What's up baby," I asked her softly.

"Mommy, don't cry, but somebody knocked on the door 5ish minutes ago," she tells me clinging to my leg.

"Oh, go in your room, baby," I instruct, cautiously opening the door.

Nobody is out there, but I open the mailbox there's a small plastic box I take it out closing and locking the door. I sit on the couch and open it, I'm not really sure if it's a smart idea. I have no idea who or where it's from. There's a small note.

From yours truly, I hope you enjoy this video I put together. Make sure you watch it alone.

I stand up cautiously and go back into my bedroom. My mind lands on one person who this could be from, but it can't be. It's not possible. I'm terrified of what could be on this CD. I slowly take out my laptop and prop it onto my bed. I sit crisscrossed in front of it and open it. I place the CD into the player. It instantly starts. I lower the volume.

As the white screen starts to fade, a voice starts to speak, an all too familiar voice.

"Hello Jessica, you thought you got rid of me didn't you, but the fact of the matter is the devil cannot die."

I pinched myself, because this couldn't be real, could it? I pulled on my hair trying to cope with the stress and fear that I was experiencing.

"Wouldn't want to hurt yourself would we," he said in a mocking tone.

"I'm already hurting myself, fuck," I bawled into the pillow.

"You see, I have it all figured out. You think you won, but the reality is you never will," he snickers.

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