Chapter 12

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-may 30-

I woke up in an unfamiliar room, I don't remember what happened or how I got here. I get off of the mattress, the room is empty. I start to panic, I walk up to the door. The door is locked. This is not fucking good. I start banging on the door. I wait for a response, when one doesn't come I bang louder. I stand back from the door. I know exactly where I am which scares the shit out of me. I know exactly who would open the door. I'm all too familiar with these situations. After a few more minutes the door opens, revealing the man I hate more than anything, he steps into the room.

"I bet you're wondering how you got here," he says with a smirk.

"Yeah, I kinda am," I say.

"Well, I'll tell you," he said, "you went out for drinks with your friends, I was the bartender. You had no idea it was me, you believed my bullshit story."

"I knew something was off, I ignored all the red flags," I say a tear falling down my cheek.

"That's too bad, but you are going to have so much fun here,"  he says his smile not disappearing.

"Why do you want to destroy my life," I question him.

"You are my daughter."

"Fathers don't ruin their child's life. This doesn't make sense."

"You don't get it do you. I am part of you, you can deny it all you want, but you have my DNA."

"So what did I do to deserve this."

"Being fucking born. You are the biggest screw up. You don't deserve a good life. My parents treated me like shit, you don't get to live a happy life," he spits at me.

"You know what fuck you, none of this is my fault," I counter.

"Just accept this reality. I'm helping you, you'll realize that later in life."

"You are full of shit, you destroyed my life if anything," I scream at him.

"I'd watch your mouth, you know what I can do," he snickers.

"Why can't you just leave me the fuck alone," I try to reason.

"No can do, sweetie."

"Why don't you just kill me already, end my misery."

"That's not how it works, babe."

"Then how does it fucking work."

"Your pain is most important."

"Go torture someone else, it's played out," I beg.

"That wouldn't be very fun would it," he cackles.

"It would be great for me," I say.

"Where's the fun in that."

"I'd enjoy that so much."

"But I wouldn't."

"Why couldn't you just be fucking normal, we could've been a family, but you destroyed the chances of that ever happening."

"Jessica, you and I both know that would never happen."

"It could've, you never gave it a chance," I cry, I'm just trying to get some sort of reaction out of him.

"Your mother knew I was insane, she would've never let me near you."

"You should've been in fucking jail then."

"If she told another soul about what I did to her, I would've killed her and you, too."

"You're fucking sick."

"You almost had me, too bad I'm a genius."

"I'll get you again, I always do." I feel so worthless right now. He's such a piece of shit, and makes me feel like shit. I just want to go home.

"We will see about that," he says.

"Dad, you didn't have to do this, the good guy always wins," I say touching his shoulder with my hand, trying to get him to play soft.

"But I did," he responded.

"Just let me go," I beg dropping to the floor,"I can't do this anymore."

"No can do, sweetheart."

"I'm begging you, you hurt me enough."

"I'm going to make your stay here so enjoyable."

"You and I both know that's a load of shit," I say.

"You just don't let yourself enjoy it."

"Yeah pain is the most fun thing ever," I sarcastically retort.

"If you would be more positive, maybe it wouldn't be so painful," he says.

"It hurts me, maybe if you weren't such an asshole, I'd enjoy my stay more."

"I don't think I'm an asshole, I'm just pleasing my desires, that are not enjoyable to you."

"So you're a conceited asshole. You hurt me physically and emotionally, what do you gain from that," I cried.

"I get pleasure, from what I do to you."

"Well, I don't enjoy it, do you care about what anyone else thinks."

"Not really, I just like to have you around."

"I'm not your fucking rag doll, I'm a person, too," I yell, my voice hoarse.

"I own you now."

"No you fucking don't, I will escape eventually, I always do."

"I've got you locked up good this time."

"We'll see about that."

"I'm not letting you go again."

"I wouldn't be so sure."

"You're a bitch that doesn't deserve a good life," he spits turning and leaving the room.

Tears soak my cheeks, I hate him so much. Now it's just me and my thoughts alone in this disgusting room. I need to find someway to get out of here. But there's absolutely nothing in this room that could help me, just a mattress. I sat down on the mattress.

God, what did I do to deserve this. I don't get it why do you hate me so much. I'm trying as hard as I can, and you just keep shitting on me. I just want to die, end my misery send me straight to hell. I've lived through hell on earth, I'm sure I could face anything you throw at me. But it just makes me want to die more. I hate my life, my existence is one big fucking mistake. Why can't you just end my suffering, do me the biggest favor. I love the people in my life, don't get me wrong they are great and so supportive. But if you could just give me a fucking break that would be great. I'm begging you to just end my suffering.

**thanks for reading, so break is over and I'm sad school sux. I had so much planned. I went to a little mix concert. It was so fun but they only played 2 songs off the album. And only played like 7 songs in total. I know it was Ariana grande's concert but it was their tour, too. I wanted to hear power live, but oh well, my seats were pretty good. I hope you all had a good break.

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