Chapter 17

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***Hi so I had a field trip Friday and it was lit*****
-June 3-
So my father and I, ran to the car. Once I was inside, I felt so much better. He started the car as we sped to the hospital.

We finally reached the hospital and went up to the lady at the front desk.

"I'd like to check my daughter in," my dad tells the lady.

"Okay have a seat, we will get you a room as soon as possible," she tells us. I'm sure she's seen our faces before, the story is everywhere.

My dad and I find a seat.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't there for you sweetheart, it'll never happen again. I promise you that, I will do anything to protect you," he says tears welling in his eyes.

"It's okay dad, it's over now," I say, hoping that it is over.

"Jessica Carter," the lady announces loudly.

We stand up walking to the front desk. We follow the doctor down the hall and then turn into one of the rooms. I take a seat on the table my legs hanging down.

I kick my legs back and forth, trying to put my mind on something else. My mind is running a mile a minute. I need a nice vacation, away from this world where I can forget everything happening. The doctor comes in again. She examines the few minor scars I have. She asks my dad to leave the room.

"So, tell me exactly what he did to you, I didn't think you would feel comfortable with your dad hearing all the details," she explains.

She's right, I'd rather not spill all the details to my father.

"Well he did abuse me, he raped me once, but it was super violent," I start off, my stomach becoming uneasy.

"I'm so sorry to hear that Ms.Carter. We will do everything we can to help you."

"I just want it to stop," I cry.

"We will have to run a few examines. Stitch up any scars," she tells me with a small smile.

I nod my head, "I'm so screwed up," I say sadly as I fiddle with my fingers waiting for her to answer, wishing my life was different.

"No you're not, just have had some tough times recently, but we are going to help you in anyway possible. "If it's okay with you we would like to admit you, maybe just for the night, I think it would be best to monitor you for a bit, if that's alright with you."

We called my father back in, "is it okay with you if we admit your daughter."

"Whatever you think is the best for her," he replies crossing his arms over his chest.

"I think it would be the best for her," she reiterates.

"I'm cool with whatever," I say softly, agreeing although I really rather not.

"I'll get you a room right away," the doctor assures us. She leaves the room.

"Dad, can I use your phone for a second," I ask.

"Sure," he replies handing it to me.

I quickly grab it from his hand and dial in Luke's number.

After a few beeps he answers," Luke, it's me," I say excitedly.

"Jessica, where are you," he questions.

"I'm at the hospital with my dad," I tell him.

"Which one," he asks.

"Mr.Smith," I sarcastically say, "which one do you think?"

"I don't know Jessica, anything is possible."

"I just wanted you to know, I'm alright."

"I'm very happy to hear that, I'll try to get there as soon as possible."

"If you could bring my phone that would be great," I say.

"Yeah, of course."

"Okay I'll see you soon," I say hanging up the phone, I hand it back to my father.

The doctor comes back in, "follow me."

I stand up following my dad out of the room. We go down one hallway connecting to another one, soon we are standing in front of an empty room. I take a step inside. The walls are a soft beige color. There's a large window on the far wall.

I would rather not stay in another hospital, but if this is what they think is the best for me, I'll oblige. Plus I'm safe here, I can't get more hurt than I already am. I'm just hoping everything goes smoothly. Soon Luke shows up with my phone. When I see him I jump up and run to him. I give him a huge hug, I'm so happy to see him.

"I'm so happy you're safe," he praises giving me a small smile.

"Thank you," he says turning to my dad and shaking his hand.

"Anything for my girl," my father responds.

I smile at his response. I'm so grateful to have such protective people in my life. To know that people genuinely care about me is a great feeling. It's probably the only thing keeping me going in this shit life. Something good needs to happen for me, something bigger than all of this. God has to be saving something up right? I mean, I'm not just going on for nothing, right? My life has to get better. I'll just keep pushing on, hoping for the best. And hopefully I'll get my happily ever after, but this is not fairytale, I'm well aware of that.

I'll just pray everything will get better, at least, I hope. I might just be fighting for nothing, I guess, we will see. I decide that I should probably text my other friends and my boyfriend. I pick up my phone and send a quick text letting them know I'm safe and where I am. Niall quickly responds telling me he'd be on his way and that he'd bring the other boys. I'm excited to see them all.

Luke walks over to me, "so, what exactly happened?"

I look up remembering the events from a few days ago, "okay so my head started hurting when we went to the bar, I went into the bathroom to go to the bathroom, I splashed some water on my face. This didn't help so I went outside because maybe I needed some fresh air. I last remember leaning on the brick wall outside and then I passed out. Mr.Smith was the bartender, we had no idea."

I feel so stupid that he was right under our noses and we didn't think anything of it.

***so break is starting which is pretty lit.**** updated 4.7.17.

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